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| gamedate = 2013.09.27
| gamedate = 2013.09.27
| soundtrack =  
| soundtrack =  
| plot = Plot:Use_with_Caution
| plot = [[Plot:Use_with_Caution|Use with Caution]]
| log =Apparently the Firefly doesn't rest on weekdays. At least, not on this particular weekday at least. Outside the teen club a sign advertises the debut of a new DJ and a shiny new drink...something blue and utterly undrinkable as far as Kelly is concerned.  
| log =Apparently the Firefly doesn't rest on weekdays. At least, not on this particular weekday at least. Outside the teen club a sign advertises the debut of a new DJ and a shiny new drink...something blue and utterly undrinkable as far as Kelly is concerned.  

Latest revision as of 23:18, 12 November 2013

Donovan Kincaid Kelly Black Ellis Valencia Donny WintersKaicee Kane
Use with Caution
A simple Monday night at The Firefly turns chaotic.
The Firefly

Forecast: Autumn. Clear. 53.8F 12C

The Firefly is one of the premiere clubs in Seaside; and though it is catered to high school and young college patrons draws a considerable crowd on each night it's open thanks to excellent club design dedicated to pumping out the latest tunes. The music is almost a physical presence here, and shoes do little to disguise the vibration coming from below.

  • The clubs dance floor is sizable, able to cater to at least two hundred bodies.
  • The lighting is comprised of both strobe lighting and projectors.
  • Four bars are scattered around the dance floors in convenient locations.
  • The bars serve everything from designer water to sodas to energy drinks.
  • The stage is where local bands parade their talent on Open Mike Nights
  • NOTE': This is a dry club. No alcohol in any form is sold here.

    Apparently the Firefly doesn't rest on weekdays. At least, not on this particular weekday at least. Outside the teen club a sign advertises the debut of a new DJ and a shiny new drink...something blue and utterly undrinkable as far as Kelly is concerned.

    Slummed in a booth nor far from the stage, Kelly can be found seated on the outside, Ellis, the poor thing, seated beside him. He's currently digging in her purse. "I know for a face I hid it in here. Principal Alexander was coming, and I hid it...I just don't remember where."

    One elbow on the table Ellis rests her chin on her hand, turned into the both to watch Kelly search her purse. "Wait," blink, "Alexander was coming so you hid it in -my- purse?" She may have taken alot of crap for him over the years, but this. "Why did you even bring it to school?" she interrogates the boy in relatively hushed tones. Thankfully the music keeps any mid-level ranting from carrying too far.

    Donny makes his way into the club, his acoustic guitar slung over his shoulder. He makes his way over to the manager and shakes hands. The two speak for awhile and then there's a bunch of nodding and smiles. Donny leaves the manager and looks for an empathy table by the stage. He finds one and takes a seat, placing his guitar on the table. He gets an odd look from the DJ, which is returned with a wave and a thumbs-up from the teen. He sits back and orders a cola from a passing waitress.

    "I didn't bring it to school, I'm not stupid." Kelly counters with a glare sent her way. "I /bought/ it at school. There's a difference." He lowers his eyes again, though a few seconds later he lifts them to snatch away her phone. "I remember now." Carefully hidden in the back battery panel of her phone! Duh. And that my love is why there's a rattle. "Don't be such a sissy about it. It's not like they'd /believe/ it was yours...they'd probably still come after me."

    Retrieving his confessions, Kelly's eyes lift as he scans the room, spotting the guitar first, and then the Donny attached to it. "Hey, lookit." It's a universal call of attention after all..and it's the perfect time to take something, while she's distracted.

    "Either way its stupid," Ellis argues back. "And.." she huffs as he starts taking apart her phone. "That was what it was?" Serious!? "I'm not a sissy. I don't believe you did that." Beat. "Again." Some people's friends. She might be a little gullible, but she does turn to look when Kelly points out .. well something. "What?"

    Donny turns as he hears a familiar voice and spies Kelly and Ellis. He waves to the both of them and throws up a piece sign as his drink is delivered. He smiles to the waitress and pays her. Before turning back to he DJ and listening. He pulls out his phone and sends a text before placing his phone on the table.

    Amid the crowd coming and going, Donovan makes his appearance. He scans over the area a bit as he takes in the sights that the club has to offer. He doesn't seem to spot Kelly and Ellis in the booth as he makes his way towards the closest of the four bars, getting himself a soda to drink as he listens to the music, watching the people on the dance floor with mild interest. He smiles and offers a wave to some kids he knows from art club, but they move on without much interaction until one of the girls from his class comes up to him and the two start talking.

    Kelly chuckles as he takes a mouthful of that horrible new drink, washing down his habits. "I don't believe you fell for it...again." He deals back at her, though he does lean back to press an unusually firm kiss to her cheek. It's all in good fun of course. "That's Donny," He begins a few seconds later. "He plays..pretty good even I hear. Another new face for the masses." Donny gets a wave of course. And low, There's Donovan. And a girl...and a cup. Go cup go. "I want something not blue."

    "I can never tell with you," Ellis sighs as she turns back to Kelly. One time its nothing the next he's trying to distract her. "I love you too," she comments, sarcasm touching her voice as she turns to look towards the boy as Donny is pointed out. "Yeah?" "Well what do you want?" she ask then. Him wanting something different is code for go get me something different. That she knows at least.

    Donny waits for the DJ to finish his set. Once the music stops, Donny grabs his guitar and heads backstage. The DJ looks a bit perturbed and his voice isn't the most cheery when he goes to the mic. "Welcome to the Firefly, folks. Make sure you try the Blue Devil. It'll put Red Bull to shame." He chuckles. "And in the fine Firefly tradition of spotlighting local talent on our open mic nights, we have an opportunity to meet a new local talent, so put your hands together." The DJ steps backstage in order to take his break.

    Donny makes his way out with a stool and a mic stand. Hit sits down on the stool and the mice are set up perfectly for his height and the guitar. "Evenin' folks, I'm Donny Winters. DJ Clueless is taking a break so I'll be your in-flight entertainment until he gets back. Hope you enjoy the set." He begins to play the guitar slowly, a bluesy sound to his voice as he begins "Ain't No Sunshine".


    Donovan speaks with the girl for a few moments before his attention is drawn towards the DJ booth as the DJ goes on break and Donny takes the stage. He applauds for the kid, knowing how hard it is for people to get up on stage, before he looks back to the girl he's speaking with and spots Kelly and Ellis finally in the booth. He speaks with the girl for a few more moments before she heads back out to the dance floor and Donovan heads off towards the booth that the two are occupying, glancing back towards Donny as he continues to play.

    Kelly shrugs to Ellis, his attention already shifting after a passing student. His attention shifts yet again as Donny takes the stage, his eyes narrowing into a squint as he listens. He doesn't comment on the topic, but instead he leans back to allow the girl over his lap and out of the booth. Silence for the moment.

    Don't worry. This too shall pass.

    Ellis rolls her eyes at Kelly, moving to stand on the booth seat and try to step over him without falling over. She manages, a hand on the table top for balance, even if it is awkward, and hops down to the floor on the other side. Weaving through those gathered on the dance floor she makes for the nearest bar, considering the music and not yet catching sight of Donovan. She doesn't spend too long at the bar and soon enough makes her way back to the table with two glasses of red cranberry Sierra Mist, one of which is slid over to Kelly. He said not blue, he didn't specify what.

    Donny finishes the song and smiles. "I know, I know, depressing. This one should be a *little* more upbeat." He smiles and plays an up-tempo intro as he begins his version of "Ziggy Stardust".


    Donovan arrives at the booth not long after Ellis departs and disappears into the crowd. He looks around for a few moments before he shrugs and slides into the other side of the booth. "Hey Kelly. What's up?" He asks once he's settled in, his drink set down on the table. "Where'd Ellis disappear to?" He asks, taking another scan of the area in search of her. When she returns to the table, he offers her a warm smile and a wave. "Hey. You disappeared on me."

    Kelly doesn't respond at her. In fact, he seems completely absent in general, his gaze shifting between Donovan and Donny, though eventually it does register that someone speaking, and it tugs him back with a lazy "...Huh?" right.

    Ellis return (and the sudden presence of the drink) causes an equally delayed response from the blond haired teen. He watches the cup for a moment as the light reflects along it's side, though as he lifts it he manages to look remarkably disappointed at the light seems gone. Bah. But he blinks back. "Oh...there she is." He adds almost a full minute to late.

    Donny smiles at the smattering of applause as he finishes his cover of "Ziggy Stardust". "It'll get progressively better, I promise." He smiles. At least he's not getting boo's. He begins a slow, simple intro as he goes into his cover of Candlebox's "Far Behind".


    "Hey to you too," Ellis greets Donovan when she returns to the table. This time she opts to take the seat next to the dark haired boy, and not climb over anyone. "Kelly wanted something 'not blue'," she explains her absence indicating the drinks she's brought back. "But I agree, it's kinda disgusting." Speaking of the blonde now across from her, "Kelly, grab that water bottle from my purse?"

    Definitely not one of the 'cool kids' either by accident or design, Kaicee arrives at the Firefly, wearing hip hugger faded button fly jeans and a bodice style black and top with red corset style lacing. Over it is a Five Finger Death Punch hoodie and on her feet are combat boots. She'd come by invitation only, otherwise she wouldn't have been caught dead in here. Stepping inside, she looks towards the area where Donny is just in time to catch his promise to the crowd. She doesn't walk too far in before finding a wall to lean against, one booted foot pressed flat to the wall, knee bent as she listens to the next one.

    Donovan chuckles softly as he looks at Kelly's reaction. "You alright, bud? You take some bad pills or something?" He asks, his head tilting slightly to the side as he studies him for a moment before he looks back to Ellis, smiling at her explanation about the drinks. "Yeah, I was kinda warned to stay away from those thing when they were announced. My mom was working on a story about the club and the new stuff they're coming out with. She said the drink was awful." He says with a soft laugh as she slides in next to him, Donovan slides over to give her more room. He glances back up to Donny as the song changes. "He lives on our street, doesn't he?" He asks, seeming to recognize the kid, but isn't sure from where.

    Kelly doesn't seem as amused as he should be by Donovan's words. In fact, he turns back toward the other teen almost immediately. "So bad." He mutters back before sighing, though a small laugh does manage its way in as well. "I'm kicking this guys ass tomorrow." If she remembers of course. He does do as he's told, reaching into the bottomless pit that is her purse only to return seconds later with a bottle of 'water' which is in turn handed (reluctantly mind you) over. "I need new hobbies." He decides seconds later."

    It's several ticks before Sonny's song ends, and the applause the musicians earns does /nothing/ to help the situation. He cringes, fully, for a moment. Its only then that his attention shifts toward Kaicee. Meh. He stares. It's his right.

    And she looks weird in this place.

    Ellis hmms, turning a look back towards the stage and the boy on it. "I'm not sure," she replies to Donovan. He does have a familiar look to him, but that could just as likely be from the halls at school. As for Kelly, she answers for him too, "He'll be alright, thanks," the last word to the blonde one as he hands over the label-less bottle. "He's not bad," she agrees with Kelly's earlier comment on the musician, "But the songs..." Not her first choice. A good drink taken from her soda she twists the cover off the bottle and refills the glass before replacing the top.

    Donny smiles as he finishes this one. He scans the crowd and sees Kaicee up against the wall and smiles. He points to the girl in greeting. "One more, I promise, and then DJ Cool Kid will bring you back to your regularly scheduled brainwashing." This song doesn't have a guitar intro, so he sings before he starts playing, "I'm looking at you through the glass...."


    Yeah and she also feels weird in this place. It wasn't her scene at all. Kaicee crosses her arms over her chest almost in a defiant gesture when she feels eyes on her. Slowly scanning the room, green eyes rest on Kelly, the stare. A single brow arches, a silent question is conveyed he can hopefully read as.. 'Problem?' Though the song ends and her attention is taken back to Donny. When he points at her, she smirks. There goes his rep. Giving a nod in return, she doesn't enter further into the establishment.

    Donovan follows Kelly's gaze towards Kaicee as he looks at her. "She seems out of place here." He casually remarks about the girl's appearance compared to the outfit that the others are wearing, himself included. He does look back to Ellis after a moment before he speaks to her. "Yeah, I don't think I've heard of half these guys who he's playing, but to each their own, I suppose." He says with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Probably not the music I'd listen to at any rate."

    "He's cool people." He admits a few seconds in. "Think he listens to a bunch of stuff..why the hell is he pointing at KC?" Kelly narrows his eyes between the girl and the musician, though he merely wets his lips for a moment before turning to look back toward Ellis and Donavan. "That /is/ happening..right.. Because I'm mostly sure no ones turned blue and that it's not snowing outside..mostly." he doesn't seem particularly pleased about any of it..but he does stay put and mostly silent for the moment. He almost suddenly grasps something more.. "Are you two flirting?" beat "What the HELL is going on with all my people?!" They're all coupling up!

    "Yeah," Ellis assures Kelly, looking between Donny and Kaicee. "Why I don't know, but the pointing thing, yeah." She narrows her gaze at Kelly a little more, taking a few drinks from her glass. "Does it look like it?" she ask, its hard to say what exactly he's seeing, but she does toss a smile towards Donovan.

    Donny smiles and waves to the crowd, not expecting a warm reception at this kind of club. He grabs the mic stand and the stool and heads backstage as the DJ makes his way back. "Let's hear it for Damien... I mean Donny, yeah, that's it." He laughs to himself before he starts up a rousing spin of "Radioactive".

    Donny makes his way from the back and smiles, not really caring if people liked it overly much or not. He waves again to Kelly and Ellis and Donovan (who he hasn't met yet). He makes his way to Kaicee. "Hey, you came. Thanks. I know it's not your scene, but they have open mic here. I haven't heard from Club X yet."

    Kaicee doesn't mind people talking about her, she's definitely used to it and she's got a show to watch, but she tosses a knowing look in her direction as the glances keep coming back to her. She even lifts a hand covered in net fingerless gloves and wiggles her fingers at the group seated. Defensive? Yep. Watching as Donny weaves his way to her, she straightens from her position against the wall. "Hey Damien." Snapping her fingers, "I mean Donny." Smirk. "Yeah. Sounded good."

    Donovan raises an eyebrow at Kelly as he looks at him, studying the guy for a moment before he looks to Ellis at Kelly's accusation of them flirting. He doesn't answer him, just lets out a soft laugh as he returns Ellis' look and smile. He takes a drink of his soda as he rests his free hand on his lap. As Donny heads off stage, he gives the guy a round of applause before he watches him leave the stage, returning the wave with a simple nod of his head. Just then, he feels his phone vibrate and he lets out a sigh. "I'll be back. I gotta get this." He says after pulling out the phone and seeing his mother's number on the display. "Just a sec." He offers as he climbs out of the booth and heads outside to where it's quieter.

    Kelly narrows his eyes toward Donny and Kaicee, though he does return the wave...sort of. As Donovan leaves, his gaze shifts toward Ellis. "What the fuck?" Yup, she's pissed him off too. Everyone's gone fucking crazy.

    Ellis sends a wave back as she turns to slip out of the booth long enough to let Donovan out to take his call. "What?" she shoots back to Kelly as she retakes a seat and takes another drink. "You're the one who told him to ask me out." More or less.

    Donny smirks and shrugs, blushing slightly. "Thanks, I'll keep working on it, though I'm not sure if I'll do it here." He looks around. "Did you wanna take off? Someplace a little less pretentious?" He chuckles. "I still owe you a pizza."

    Hearing the exclamation from Kelly, Kaicee looks over, seeing him looking pissed off. Well at least the waves were returned from him and Ellis. Checking out Donny's blush with interest, she tips her head to the side, unused to guys who blush. "Riiight.." A glance towards the others, then the door. "How about we just go outside and talk so I can hear you. I'm not in the mood for pizza."

    It's always hard to trip around people who can't seem to grasp the concept. Ellis's failure doesn't help Kelly at all. It earns a frown, and a shove to his feet. "Nevermind." It's a mutter more than anything else, though it also is a cue to exit, stage left....or rather front door. "I'm out." He allows simply, missing any glances his way. he heads for the door, hopefully before anyone else has a chance to.

    Donny raises an eyebrow as Kelly and Ellis peel out... "Wow.. Ok.. Is he seeing three of everything again?" He asks, mostly to himself. He shrugs and then turns to Kaicee. "Ok. Works for me." He says as he reaches for Kaicee's hand and leads her out.

    Lincoln Lane & Adney Street

    Forecast: Autumn. Clear. 53.8F 12C

    As you head along the street, the high rises and skyscrapers begin to lessen in numbers, instead replacing themselves with smaller, much more main stream buildings. Simple brownstones and basic but stunning window displays and fancy awning coverings, transforming those could-be-simple street into Lantern Hills iconic area for high fashion and 'better living'.

  • Crowded sidewalks slow to a crawl.
  • The cities 'Beautiful People' sit and chat inside the cafes and restaurants.
  • Located Here:

    New Leaf Deli
    The Firefly

    Once outside, Kaicee heads for her car and leans against it. "So who taught you how to play?" She pulls her keys out of her pocket and jingles them in her hand. "How do you know Kelly?"

    Donny walks over and stands next to the Charger. "Um... No one, actually. My mom gave me the guitar during the divorce and I just took to it. I just need to listen to something a couple times and I can figure out the chords." He chuckles at the question of Kelly. "School.. Well, Jena and school. He's dating my next door neighbor.. who I met at school. Yeah." he takes a second to think... "This town's starting to seem really small."

    It IS a small town. Donny has no idea how small a town. Almost on cue Kelly emerges from the club, his steps heavily as he makes a b-line for his jeep..an Ellis trailing along angrily behind. "Go away El.." It's not the most powerful dismissal he's ever manages, In fact its outright absent of emotion. Or much else. Thankfully he misses the couple near KCs car. Thank you cluster of preppy kids cars!

    "I don't even know why you're mad at me," Ellis huffs, not so much mad as irritated. "And," she points out, "You're in no shape to drive," Which is what she's more concerned about at the moment, trying to reach to grab his keys, an apologetic smile tossed towards a Donny and Kaicee.

    Kaicee is leaning against her car, she's trying to look nonchalant as she speaks with Donny. "So you're like this enigma or something, with the guitar? Playing as soon as you hear it? That's kinda different." She glances towards the Firefly as he mentions Kelly, just as Kelly walks out. "He's dating your neighbor huh? Isn't that real nice." She smirks when he storms past, followed by Ellis. "What's with those two?" Hitching a thumb in the direction of Kelly and Ellis, smiling back to the latter. "Don't let him drive, Ellis." Then louder. "Don't drive, Kelly, I'll kick your ass."

    Donny shrugs to Kaicee. "Piano too. Once you learn the chords on guitar, it's easy enough to arrange them on piano." He looks to Kaicee. "Do you know Kelly? Sounds like you've got an ish..." he stops mid-word. "Kelly! Chill out, dude." Donny looks to Kaicee and shrugs. He makes his way to the Jeep. "You're really gonna want me to keep quiet. The last thing you're gonna want is to get pulled over for a dewey."

    Ha! Ellis, grabbing for his keys. Sensing this Kelly simply holds his keys higher than her head, turning to step away from her with a snort. "Hey hey hey...get back woman. Don't you know what personal space is!?" he seems to be over, at least, being mad at her. Likely there was never a real cause for it, though hearing Kaicee speak merely does good to reignite the growl in his tone. He also sends her a glare from his place near his ride. And poor..poor Donny. An actual good person mixed in with all this completely unnecessary drama. He paints a nice, big bull's-eye right there on his chest for Kelly.

    "What's that new boy?" Kelly's steps stop abruptly as he turns towards the recently made friend. "You got something ta say?" Because judging by the way Kelly starts toward him, he seems to think the other boy does.

    "Kelly..." Ellis sighs, the name coming out almost as a whine as she tries one more time in vain to snatch the keys from him. "I do," not that logic is going to help her now, "but you're being and asshat, and a stupid one at that," she replies though the glare she sends him along with it is very unintimidating. When he starts in on Donny she turns to Kaicee with a 'do something' look. "Let it go Kel."

    Kaicee watches Donny head over and sighs. Kelly and his game with the keys and Ellis brings a frown to her features, the teasing banter putting her in a bad mood. As he heads in on Donny, Kaicee walks over, to put herself in between then after catching the look from Ellis. She places a hand on Kelly's chest, a half grin playing on her lips. "Want to talk about it, Kels?" She murmurs softly, green eyes regarding him with a challenge.

    Donny holds his hands out in a non-threatening manner. "Whoa, Kelly, listen. No one has a problem here. We just don't think it's cool for you to drive right now. Best case scenario, you get pulled over and get hit with a DUI. Worst case, you plow into someone and kill them or yourself. Let's just be reasonable here." Just for precaution he takes off his guitar and tosses it carefully onto the sidewalk. He looks to Kaicee with a confused look. "What... What are you doing?" He's sure she can probably handle herself, but there's no way he's gonna let Kelly touch her...

    So much happening. Even Kelly seems to catch up (rather suddenly even) with everything that's happening. For a moment he looks as shocked as everyone else (except for Kaicee who looks eerily used to this!!!! HELLO Donny! Red Flag Here!). KC's hand on his chest slows him to a stop, though his fists remain clinched, one fist closed tightly around his keys. He doesn't seem so focused on Donny all of a sudden, though he does glance back toward Ellis before leaning down to press his lips near Kaicee's ear to mutter something to her.

    Donny's mention of Kelly plowing into someone and killing them or himself brings Kaicee's gaze resting unequivocally on him and her jaw tightens. Looking back at Kelly, her eyes skitter over Ellis on the journey, grateful Kelly has her here right now. Kelly though, when he leans in to whisper to her, reaches for his hand, the one holding the keys, to try and get them from him if he will give them up as her lips brush his ear as she whispers back.

    Donny blinks, kinda deflated. He stands down.. "Kelly, we just have your best interest here.. Let's just chill out..." He says, noticing the pivotal point is now between Kaciee and Kelly.

    Someone will die tomorrow when Kelly sleeps this off, but for now Kaicee does seem to have it at least remotely under control. Mostly. Kelly growls something toward her, though it's lost in the mix of heated tempers and passing traffic..and the promise of a possible throat slitting if he doesn't. His forehead rests against her for a moment as her hand wrestles the keys from his otherwise loosening grip. Donny has more to do with that than he realizes. "Fine." He decides a few seconds later, though he does linger a tad to close for a moment as he mutters something more toward her. But the keys! They are relinquished.

    Kaicee hears Donny but doesn't look over at him at the moment. She's too busy trying to get the keys. Another whispered request for the keys, waiting to see. As Kelly's hand finally loosens and she gets the keys, the relief is so great she almost collapses with it. She catches herself. Breathing a sigh of relief, she shakes her head. "Don't Kelly... just.. don't." Motioning to her car, she murmurs. "Get in and I'll get you tomorrow to come get it." She finally looks at Donny again. "Do you need a ride home?" The night had become too serious for idle chat any longer.

    Donny scratches his head, not exactly know what went on between the two. "Nah, I got my bike. Just... get him home." He takes a look at her. "Kaicee..." he stops his train of thought. "I'll call you tomorrow. Just to make sure everything's okay." At the moment, he's more concerned for her then Kelly, but he can't show it at the moment. He reaches out and pats her on the cheek lightly before turning and grabbing his guitar and heading for his bike.