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Latest revision as of 02:08, 9 December 2013

Donovan Kincaid Ellis Valencia
Ellis confronts Donovan after school before they go on their date.
School Lawn: NSH

Forecast: Winter. Clear. 53.8F 12C

The school itself is old yet seemingly unimpressive to say the least . It's red brick face traced in growing vines of ivy, marked by weather and age as one of the older buildings within Lantern Hill. Toward the front door climb a row of stone steps, their faces cracked and showing signs of heavy treaded from over the years.

  • Across the building run large windows, some covered, some not.
  • The school the lawn is well kept, at least for a public school.

Located Here: Main Building <MB>

School's been let out and Donovan is still upset about the fight he was in earlier. By now, the entire school knows what happened, which means the staff does too. Donovan's hand is wrapped up in a bandage from the school's nurse, having hurt it with the punch that he managed to land on Art and it still hurts. He currently is crossing the lawn, heading towards the direction of the parking lot.

If school has heard about it and the staff has heard about it, the girlfriend has heard about it. "Donovan Kincaid," Ellis' voice comes behind him as she sashays across the lawn towards him. She's dressed for spirit day in a decent thrift store throw-together version of pirate wench. Tasteful and not over the top like others.

Donovan isn't dressed as either a Pirate or a Ninja, having forgotten about the spirit day. As he hears his first AND last name from Ellis, he immediately stops in his tracks and cringes slightly like a little kid about to be scolded by his mother. He lets out a sigh as he lowers his head before turning towards Ellis, flashing a quick smile that quickly fades. "Hey Ell." He offers as he waits for her to catch up to him, adjusting the backpack on his shoulder with his good hand.

Ellis isn't mad, but she's not exactly happy with him either. Disappointed would best describe the look on her face as she stops a few steps from him. "How's the hand?" she asks with a sigh, glancing down at the bandages. At least she's not going off on him.

Donovan raises an eyebrow slightly as she doesn't start yelling at him right away, not expecting the reaction that she's giving. The question about his hand causes him to look down towards the bandages on his hand. "Hurts like hell. Nurse says it might be fractured, but more than likely it's just sprained." He says before he looks up at her. "She couldn't give me anything for it." He says with a slight frown.

"Well it serves you right," Ellis replies when he admits it still hurts. "You're just lucky it didn't get any further than that. I'd hate for my homecoming date to have a black eye," there's a bit of teasing in her voice, just a bit. "What were you trying to prove anyway?"

Donovan sighs softly and nods his head slightly. "I guess so." He admits before he looks to her as she mentions the black eye. "Well, it didn't get too far. We were stopped by a ninja." He says with a slight chuckle as he hears the words as he says them. "I wasn't trying to prove anything. I'm just sick of him trying to hit on you all the time." He says with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

The stars in the east begin to look washed out as the sapphire night sky pales. "A ninja?" Ellis asks, tilting her head. On any other day that'd just be plain weird. Today though, she just shrugs. "Well.. you still want to go to the movie tonight?"

Donovan nods his head and chuckles. "Yeah. Some chick dressed as a ninja." He says to her with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Dunno who." The question of the movies causes another smile to appear over his lips, nodding his head. "Yeah, of course. If you don't mind having a broken date." He says as he raises his hand. He looks at her for a few moments, reaching up to caress her cheek. "I'm sorry for being an idiot today."

Ellis laughs. "Broken I can live with," the blond agrees, tossing a smile his way and stepping in when he touches her cheek to wrap her arms around his waist. "You were an idiot," that she won't argue with. "But you're a cute idiot."

Donovan smiles at her words, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she holds onto him. "Well, at least I have that going for me." He says in response to her 'cute idiot' comment, a soft chuckle playing on his voice. "If nothing else, I can at least fall back on my looks and marry some rich old man for his money." He lets out a laugh at that before he kisses the top of her head. "You need a ride home to change or shall we just go to the drive-in?"

Ellis mock pouts, "Oh, so now you're going to leave me for a rich old guy?" Just go and break her heart will you. Shakes her head though, laughing lightly. "I wouldn't mind changing first." Being out in public at school on spirit day like this she doesn't mind, but actually out in public that she can do without.

Donovan chuckles and smirks. "I wouldn't leave you. I'd just be using him for his money so we can live like royalty." He says with another laugh as he starts towards his car, looking down at her outfit. "That's too bad. I kinda like you in this outfit. You look damn sexy." He says with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows. "Might have to keep that costume around."

Ellis blushes just a bit at that comment. "Well Halloween is coming up..." she notes as she heads towards the car with him. Maybe she'll just have to keep it around for then. Its not a terribly long ride home and there it doesn't take too long for Ellis to change into a pair of jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of tennis shoes before she's ready to head for the movie.

Donovan smiles and nods his head. "Yes, indeed it is." He says as he holds onto her while they make their way to his car. Once they arrive at her house, he parks out front. While she heads inside to change, he takes the opportunity to call his mom and let her know the plans for the day and to make sure she doesn't need anything in the meantime. Once she returns to the car, he smiles and heads to the drive-in. "You know the theme for the Homecoming dance is Masquerade, so I was thinking about making our masks for us. If you'd like, I'd need to come over sometime so I can make a mold of your face to get the mask to fit properly."

"Oh?" Ellis comments when he brings up the homecoming theme. "I must have missed that," she hadn't really been paying much attention to that particular announcement. "But that would be amazing," she lights up at the idea of him creating one of a kind pieces like that.

Cliff Side Drive-In

Forecast: Winter. Clear. 53.8F 12C

One of the very last surviving drive-in theaters, the Cliff Side Drive-In, remains a determined fixture of Lantern Hill's entertainment landscape. A single parking lot is lined by spaces has been situated to face a large white screen (not unlike a billboard).

  • Parking spots are first come, first-serve.
  • Refreshments can be purchased from a "snack shack" near the parking lot.
  • Movies vary from blockbuster hits to independent movies and cult favorites.

Donovan smiles and nods his head. "Great! I'll get to work on the masks as soon as you can come over for the mold." He says as he continues to drive to the drive-in, eventually pulling in to the drive way for the place, paying for them both before he pulls into one of the spaces in the center of the screen. His mind, already starting to work on the ideas for the masks.

Ellis nods, "After the movie maybe?" she suggests. "I don't want you to have to rush it too much." Its already Tuesday and Homecoming is Friday. He's cutting it close though it was so nice of him to offer to craft them. "Otherwise it probably won't be til after school tomorrow."

Donovan smiles and nods. "That works. Though I might need to see the outfit you plan on wearing so that I can make sure it matches." He says. "We can do the mold tonight and you can come by tomorrow it the outfit?" He asks as he turns on the radio, tuning it for the station the movie plays on.

"What you don't want to be surprised when you pick me up?" Ellis replies, turning her head in his direction. "You could just keep it classic?"

Donovan considers that for a few moments as he turns towards her, leaning against his door as he looks at her. "Classic I think I can do. Just let me know the color scheme?" He asks, offering a playful smile. At least being here with Ellis, his mind is off the pain in his hand.

Ellis hmms, considering color options. "Black and white?" she suggests, "That goes with pretty much everything. But if you really want to see it ahead of time I'll show you." She'd rather have him surprised though. "And speaking of homecoming plans we don't have to go anywhere fancy," she's giving him that ahead of time given their first official date. Not that they don't have good food.

Donovan thinks for a few moments and nods his head. "Black and white works and I don't need to see it. I think with the color scheme, I can do just fine." He says with a smile as other cars continue to pile into the drive-in. The comment about the restaurants does make him laugh softly. "Yeah. I have to save up a while before we can go back there. What about that other place that was in the square that you pointed out?" He asks as he looks around the area around them to see if he recognizes anyone's car before returning his attention back to her.

Ellis hmms. "Well, everything at the square can be kinda expensive. There's a place at the Sealine," she suggests the hotel restaurant - still high end but with some more mid-level priced options. "Or Culture Corner?" she shrugs. "I'd be happy with whatever."

Donovan chuckles and nods. "Yeah. I can imagine it." He says about the restaurants at the square. He thinks for a few moments as she suggests the restaurant at the hotel. "Really? I didn't know about the restaurant at the hotel. What's that like?" He asks as he smiles, sliding over towards her and reaching for her hand to take hold of it.

Ellis shrugs, as he takes her hand, a smile touching her lips as she watches the screen. "Its a restaurant..." she replies. "Isabelle's dad owns the hotel. Its got good food, but not overly fancy."

Donovan nods and smiles. "Well, that works then. We can go there." He says with a smile, turning to watch the screen as the movie plays. He thinks to himself for a few moments before he looks over to Ellis. "How did I get so lucky to have a girlfriend as wonderful as you are?" He asks after a few moments.

He's quite and she's content to sit with hands together ant watch the movie. She almost misses that comment. Almost. It takes a little while longer for it to sink in. "Kelly?"

Donovan chuckles softly at her answer and nods. "Kelly and me being lucky enough to be the one to move in next to you." He adds with a wink before he wraps an arm around her, his bad hand hanging off her shoulder while he holds her hand with his other hand.

Ellis giggles, leaning in to snuggle up against him as the car allows. "Yeah, that too," she replies. She's quiet for a moment, trying to focus on the movie again, but then turns back to him. "Remember the other week when you were over and asked about the pictures?"

Donovan smiles and chuckles with her, letting out a content sigh as she snuggles up against him. "I really need to trade this car in for one with a bucket seat up front. Easier to snuggle." He says with a soft laugh before he falls silent again, watching the movie until she speaks up again about the pictures, looking at her and nods. "Yeah. I remember." He says, studying her face.

Ellis simply smiles for his comment on the car. His idea, not hers, and it really doesn't require much more comment anyway. Its when she brings up the pictures that her expression falls a bit. "Its my sister," she explains, "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

Donovan frowns slightly at her words about her sister, lowering his head slightly. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." He says, looking up at her. "It's okay. You had every right to snap. It's a tender subject, I can imagine." He says as he tries to offer her a comforting smile. "I won't bring it up, I promise."

Ellis gives her head a light shake. "There's nothing to be sorry about," she assures him. "I guess I'm just use to Kelly and he knows about her and all that." And they just don't talk about siblings. Ever.

Donovan listens silently, nodding his head in understanding. "You and Kelly have been friends for a while, so it's understandable that he knows." He says, offering a smile. "If you ever need someone to listen, I'm here for you." He offers, leaning in to kiss her forehead softly. "I always will be no matter what."

Ellis nods, "Yeah," she agrees about his other neighbor. "And thanks Donovan," she adds, a weak smile pulling at her lips at his kiss. "Don't make promises you can't keep," she says quietly, shifting to lean her head against his shoulder.

Donovan rests his head on hers as she rests hers on his shoulder. "El, I don't plan on going anywhere." He offers as he look up at the screen, watching the movie for a few moments. "I'm going to be here for as long as you'll have me." He reaches up and idly plays with her hair. He's quiet for a few moments as he watches the movie on the screen. "I love you, El."

Ellis lets out a sigh, though she doesn't say anything more on that topic for now. No need to bring the mood down any more, not tonight. She's tried to explain, or started to at least. That's enough for tonight. Right? But then there's those three little words and she freezes. For a moment at least.

Donovan doesn't say much for a moment after he spoke those words to her. He doesn't say much after that, waiting for her response if any. It's a pretty awkward moment, for them both presumably, the first time those three words are spoken. He does, eventually, look down at her.

When he does look down she's looking up at him, a soft smile touches her lips. "I - I love you too," her voice catches in a moment of hesitation, not quite sure that she'd actually heard him right in the first place.

Donovan looks into her eyes as he sees her looking up at her, then her words causing him to smile brightly. He starts to say something, but his voice catches and nothing comes out. "I... I'm so happy to hear you say that." He finally manages to say before he leans in and kisses her, his hand moving up to rest on her cheek.

Ellis returns that kiss, settling back to his shoulder when it does break. "I wish Gretchen could meet you," she murmurs with a sigh.

Donovan sighs happily as he rests his head on hers, nodding slightly at her words. "I do too." He says softly before he kisses the top of her head and settles in to watch the movie.