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Beginning along this one-way street, the quaint peacefulness of the residential life cast a soft sense of relaxation to the world. An area developed of privet family homes, there are no apartment buildings along this street. Primarily built of one and two story homes, these families maintain a comfortable place among the upper-middle class world, with neatly kept yards, and trash cans and mailboxes all exactly uniform.  
Beginning along this one-way street, the quaint peacefulness of the residential life cast a soft sense of relaxation to the world. An area developed of privet family homes, there are no apartment buildings along this street. Primarily built of one and two story homes, these families maintain a comfortable place among the upper-middle class world, with neatly kept yards, and trash cans and mailboxes all exactly uniform.  
| gamedate = 2013.09.27
| gamedate = 2013.08.27
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Latest revision as of 15:32, 1 November 2013

Donovan Kincaid Ellis Valencia
Ellis meets the new neighbor boy.
Faircrest Court

Beginning along this one-way street, the quaint peacefulness of the residential life cast a soft sense of relaxation to the world. An area developed of privet family homes, there are no apartment buildings along this street. Primarily built of one and two story homes, these families maintain a comfortable place among the upper-middle class world, with neatly kept yards, and trash cans and mailboxes all exactly uniform.

With the early evening hours fallen upon Lantern Hills, the students are off of school and parents are coming home from work. The garage door to 3112 Faircrest is curtest open and Donovan's car is parked in the driveway with several cardboard boxes stacked next to it, each labeled on all sides with the room the contents belong to. These boxes are all marked 'Donny' with black permanent marker, boxes that haven't been unpacked yet. Donovan, himself, is currently stepping out of the garage with another box in his arms.

Walking down the sidewalk, a blonde stops in front of 3112. A different car in the driveway, along with the boxes are a pretty good sign that the new neighbors are finally moving in after the SOLD sign sat in the yard the last few days. "Hey," she greets the boy by the car. "You must be Donny?"

Donovan has been telling his mother to take down that SOLD sign for the past week, but does she listen? Nooooooo. Donny sets the box down with the rest just as the blonde stops and calls out to him, causing him to finally notice her. He stands up and nods his head slightly in response to her question. "Yeah. Well, Donovan. My mom calls me Donny. How'd you know?" He asks as he looks at her, not realizing she probably read them off the boxes. "Is there something I can do for you?" He asks, not sure as to her reason for being there.

"Um.. the boxes," Ellis replies, a finger pointing towards the writing on the side of the one he just set down. As for what he can do, she shakes her head, "No, just thought I'd say hi seeing as you're new in town, and it seems you're my neighbor," this last she adds with a nod towards 3111.

Donovan glances back towards the boxes at the mention of them, smirking and shaking his head slightly. "Right, right." He looks back at her, offering a smile as she mentions being the neighbor, his eyes following in the direction she nods in. "Oh. That's you then." He says, moving towards her before he offers a hand. "I'm Donovan Kincaid. We just moved in." There he goes. Stating the obvious. "I guess it's safe to say I'll see you around more often than not, huh?"

Ellis laughs, "Yeah, that's me. Ellis Valencia," she adds her own name as she reaches out to shake the offered hand. "Nice to meet you Donovan, and yeah, pretty safe to say I'll see you around. You going to North Shore then?"

Donovan shakes her hand lightly and nods his head. "Yeah. I'm going to North Shore, but it's still a change from Seattle. Not like what my school there was, but I do like the art and photography classes that are offered. We didn't have a photography class back home." He says as he retracts his hand, rubbing the back of his neck. "Still not use to the city though. Spend ten minutes extra getting to work because I get lost." He offers with a soft chuckle.

Ellis nods, "It can take some getting used to anywhere new," she offers with a smile. "There's a couple streets my aunt always complains about, but I'm sure you'll get it figured out soon enough."

Donovan nods his head slightly at her words, offering a smile. "I sure hope so. Gas is starting to get expensive and pretty soon, I'll be having to work just to pay for it." He says before he glances around the area for a moment before he looks back to her. "So, how long have you lived here?" He asks as he slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans, his shoulders raising slightly as he looks at her.

"And that would pretty much suck," Ellis replies about having to work just to cover gas money. "Me? I was born here, but I've moved a couple times. Just ended up moving back.." she shakes her head then, "Soo Seattle huh?"

Donovan slightly nods his head as he hears about her just moving back. "Must be nice to be back home." He offers before he answers her next question. "Yeah. Born and raised there. My mom got a new job here with the paper, so here we are." He says, motioning to the yard around him. "I think it's gonna be the rain that I'm going to miss the most." He says with a slight frown playing on his lips. He takes a deep breath and exhales before he smiles. "It's different, but at least there's a beach around here..." He pauses for a moment before he continues. "...right?" He asks, looking hopeful.

"Well it was a couple years ago already honestly," Ellis clarifies, "But most of the time it is." She nods about the new job, tucking her hands in her back pockets. "Yeah, not so much in rain here, but there's plenty of beach around."