Log:DonJena or JenDonny?

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Jena Cruz Donny Winters
As twilight falls, Jenna comes home and finds Donny next door. Jena plays Mozart
3115 Faircrest Ct. - Front Porch
Stepping into the yard from the street you are greeting by a rather contemporary ranch-style gray brick home. The yard is heavily landscaped. A large wooden fence separates the yard from the neighbors. There is a single, large tree planted in the corner of the yard. A old paved driveway stretches from the street to the garage, while a bricked mailbox rests near the street.
Donny is at his usual spot, sitting on the porch to his house. Instead of the steps, he has a seat with a keyboard in front of him. A bit of an odd place to rehearse. He's looking through his notebook again.

Jena pulls up in her driveway and parks her truck, hopping out before locking her door manually and closing it. She'd just gotten off of work. She looks around, exhaling, relieved her parents weren't home yet. She looks over towards Kelly's house but doesn't see him... shaking her head, calling herself a fool, she looks at Donny's and looks surprised to see him there. She heads over to his direction.

Donny continues to run a couple melodies when he hears the truck pull up. He knows who it is, but after the lunchtime conversation, he'd figured it was better for him to give Jena her own space. He continues to play and looks up. When he sees the girl coming up, he smiles. "Evenin'." He stays, in greeting.

Jena finishes her approach and when Donny greets her with a smile, she smiles back. "How Donny. How has your day been going so far?" The two are out in front of Donny's house, Jena had just gotten home from work and parked her truck. When she'd seen him across the driveway, she'd come over.

Donny stops playing the keyboard that he's sitting in front of on his porch. "Not bad. The usual. How was work?" He plays a bit of a tune and marks something down in his notebook.

When he stops, Jena grins. "Work was okay. You writing a song right now?' She peers with interest at the notebook he marks something down on.

Donny shrugs. "Not a whole song. Just.....melodies here and there. I might put some together" He shrugs. "That's usually how it works. Trial and error, finding sounds that work and some that don't." He smiles. "So...." He stops and looks up at her. "Have a seat." He slides over on the bench. "How are you doing?"

Jena looks interested and at the invitation, she moves to sit down beside him. "I like writing poems. I wonder if they could ever be put to music." She clasps her hands together and smiles at him warmly. "I'm better."

Donny nods and shrugs. "All lyrics are is poetry set to music. "C'mere.." He points to a white key. "Take the thumb of your right hand and put it there. That's Middle 'C'. Take your four fingers and place them on the keys next to it." He nods and smiles. "You look like you're doing better."

Jena reaches out her hand and puts them where he indicates, her thumb of her right hand, then the others. "Middle C?" She's very near him now and she blushes, looking down at the keyboard.

Donny nods. "Perfect yes." He reaches over and places his hand on hers. "Now... Thumb, thumb. Small finger, small finger. reach over with the small and hit the next twice. Then small finger, ring ring, middle middle, index index, thumb." He presses the keys with her fingers. She should be able to recognize the tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle" early on.

Jena looks briefly at him when his hand joins hers, allowing him to guide her in playing the song, trying to memorize it. It is fairly repetitive so by the end of the song, she is almost certain she has it memorized. She sings softly to it, then looks up in time to see the first star in the twilight sky. Her lips curve. "Do you ever wish on the first star?'

Donny chuckles softly. "Congratulations." He reaches up and runs a hand through his hair. "You just played Mozart." He follows her gaze and shrugs. "I used to... Back home. Things haven't been... the same.. since we've moved out here." He swallows.. "I mean, don't get me wrong.. I don't regret being here, I just..." He shrugs... "I wish my mom could've met you."

Jena looks from the sky to him. "Thank you, I only did it because you taught me." Hearing his words, she smiles sadly. "Why me?" The question is voiced softly and she leans her cheek on his shoulder. "I'm glad that Kelly broke up with me."

Donny blushes nervously and shrugs. "She'd like you. She was worried that I'd get into trouble out here. Figured I'd fall in with a wrong crowd. You're the total opposite of the wrong crowd." He cringes slightly, as if that was the best compliment he could give her without over-doing it. At the contact on his shoulder and the comment, he blinks.. "R-Really? Why?"

Jena remains quiet for a long moment, before she smiles. "I bet I would like her too. I'm happy to be here with you right now." His question has her lifting her head and looking at him again. "Because he didn't really like me."

Donny smiles and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "I'm happy too." He's a bit surprised at her statement. "That's not true. I mean, I can't begin to know his motivations, but I wouldn't say he didn't like you." He squeezes lightly. "I won't say that I'm glad he broke up with you, but I will say that I'm glad that things happened the way they did to afford me this opportunity." Swift...

Jena leans into him when his arm comes around her, not refuting what he has to say about Kelly, but not completely believing it. "It doesn't matter either way. I'm not with him, and I can be okay with that." She is also happy things happened the way they had now. "Me too," she whispers softly, looking up at him.

Donny nods. "Do me a favor? Let's stop talking about Kelly.. at least for now." He smiles before leaning in for a kiss.

Jena nods solemnly and when she realizes what he is doing, she closes her eyes and tips her chin up, meeting his lips with hers, softly and tentatively, leaning into the kiss just a little.

Donny takes the moment to breath in, taking in the essence of the girl. The fragrance of her breath, hair, and perfume intoxicate as his lips meets hers. A soft flutter, with light pressure. Before disengaging he squeezes her upper lip between his. He slowly backs off and smiles. "Wow.." He says, blushing brightly.

He smelled just like hoodie. That was her first thought.. and as he presses his lips to hers so gently, she feels her heart racing in her chest. When he pulls back, she blushes and ducks her head shyly. Wow... yes, her sentiments exactly.

Donny chuckles and looks down. "Wow.." He repeats. "Are you ok?" He slides away just a little. "What's wrong?"

Jena shakes her head, at a loss for words, but seeing him worried, she finds some for him. "I am very okay and nothing is wrong. Everything is right."

Donny smiles and nods. "You can say that again." He takes his arm around her just so he could put his fingers on the keys. He starts with a simple melody on the keys and sings in a soft voice...


Jena doesn't say it again, but she does smile even as he removes his arm from around her. When he starts playing, and then singing, she closes her eyes and listens to the words. She doesn't interrupt but she looks enraptured.

Donny blushes when he finishes. "Sorry.. You just.. uh... you make me wanna sing?" He smiles and wraps his arm around the girl again. He looks over at the house next door.. "Um.. Are your folks gonna be pissed if they see you like this?"

Jena opens her eyes and smiles when he finishes. "Don't be sorry, Donny. I like when you sing." She lifts her shoulders, "Probably they will. Maybe.."

Donny disengages once again and stands up. “C’mon, MJ. Lemme walk you home proper, then.” The two get up and walk over to Jena’s house. Once they get to the stoop, Donny kisses her one more time. After a while, they stop and he walks away, heading back home.