Log:Water Dancing

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Meadow Paisley Saya Takahashi Michael Jacobsson Abe Shaw
Saya runs into Michael and Meadow, and Meadow starts planning a water-conservation flash mob extravaganza! Abe shows up later and gets drafted for the cause.
Lantern Square
Saya's taking a walk. Just a leisurely stroll down the street, a happy and distracted meandering. Her denim purse is slung over her shoulder, and she's holding a clear umbrella printed with ducks over her head to ward off the scattered infrequent rain drops. It's a Sunday morning, and a lot of people are in church - but then again, a lot of people aren't, either.

Not taking a stroll at the moment, Michael makes his way along the way on his roller blades, whistling a little to himself as he makes his way along a bit slowly, at least for him. He's looking quite relaxed as he makes his way along now, before he comes to a stop outside of Unbound Books, to stop and look at the display in the window there.

Unfortunately, the store won't be open for another few minutes - it is Sunday, after all. Even shop owners like to sleep in, sometimes. Saya's meandering takes her straight toward the shop as well, and when she gets close enough to see Michael, she gives him a little wave. "Hey, Michael," she says. "How are you?"

Michael pauses as he hears his name, and looks around, before he offers a wave and a grin in return. "Hey. I'm fine. Figured I'd just go skating around for a little while, you know. How about you?" "Just out for a walk, myself," Saya says from under her duck-print umbrella. She adjusts her purse on her shoulder and glances from him to the bookstore. "I'm good, good. Kind of looking forward to school starting up again. Ugh. Spring break was so boring for me. Work, work, work, that's all I ever do."

Michael chuckles as he hears that. "Well, at least you had something to do, right?" he remarks a bit lightly, before he adds, "But all in all, it's not that bad when school starts up again, that's true."

"It wouldn't be so bad if I actually got paid for it," Saya tells him while rolling her eyes. "The upside of having parents who own two businesses - don't need to worry about braces or how I'll afford the latest style. The downside - they get free labor out of me until I move away." She switches her balance from one foot to another and looks at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to continue the conversation or excuse himself and go.

"I guess that's true," Michael replies, before he adds, "Aside from all that work, anything exciting happening lately?" A brief glance around, before he looks back to her now.

"Um, not really," Saya says. "Well... there was this creep on the boardwalk, the other day, but Noah swooped in like freakin' -- what's his name? -- Spiderman, and saved the day. It was awesome." She smiles a little. "He's actually kind of a nice guy. He and Amelia are cute together, too."

"That sounds... interesting, at least in a way," Michael offers, before he nods a bit at the part about Noah and Amelia. "I bet they are. That's a nice thing," he offers.

It's sprinkling rain, and Saya and Michael are standing in front of the book store. It's not quite time for the shop to open. Saya is under a clear duck-print umbrella, and Michael is wearing rollerblades.

Meadow is popping out of the Apothecary Shop. She has a bag, the handle is hanging from her fingers. She's a small blonde; bright-eyed and quite lively, she doesn't seem to fuss at the likes of the sprinkly rain. Instead, it makes the girl perk up slightly, feeling the pat-pat of it dampen her hair and make it curl -- wearing a white tanktop and a flowy, dove gray skirt with flat little sandals. She seems oddly serene; eyes flickering over toward Michael and Saya.

"Yep," Saya says, nodding a little. She looks one way and then the other, shifts her weight again, and adjusts her grip on her umbrella. "Well..." she says, not sure what to say now, with so little to work with. "Uh... so..." but nope, she's got nothing. It's awkward moment time! Across the street, someone's automatic sprinklers pop up, even though it is raining a little. She turns her head to stare at them for a second and wrinkles her nose. "Waste of water," she murmurs. Spotting Meadow she raises a hand and waves at the girl with a grin. Everyone likes Meadow!

Michael nods once more, before as he looks over towards those automatic sprinklers again. "Seems a bit excessive, doesn't it?" he agrees, before he adds, "So, anything in particular you're looking forward to when school starts again?" As he sees Saya waving to Meadow, he raises his own hand to do so as well now.

"Oh, hey!" Meadow says warmly; her nature more effusive and warm than anything else. She glances between them, not wilting beneath the rain still -- she approaches. However, she doesn't insinuate herself into the conversation yet. "Do you mind if I join you too? Hi, Saya. Hi, Michael." She remembers both of their names, it seems, glancing between them earnestly.

"Totally!" Saya agrees, perhaps a bit too enthusiastic to have something to finally talk about. "I mean, water conservation should be a priority for all of us, right? I read somewhere that, like, wars in the future will be fought over clean water rights. And it's already happening in some places." She beams at Meadow and nods. "Hey, Meadow. Yeah, I don't mind," she says. "Wanna share my umbrella?" she offers the girl. There's plenty of room for two skinny teens.

"Water, like all other natural resources, has always been a source of conflict," Michael replies, with a nod, before he adds, "That's probably how things are going to be in the future as well." Another brief shrug, before he offers a smile to Meadow, "Sure. How are you today?" he asks.

Having gained agreement, the small damp blonde steps over to the umbrella and slips beneath it carefully. She pulls a linen handkerchief out of her bag and brushes it over her face -- wiping the rain away. "Thanks," she says brightly to Saya, her eyes flickering back to Michael. She nods to the two environment-minded-teens thoughtfully. "Maybe we should do some 'Dont Waste Water' awareness thing at school."

"People need to stop having so many babies," Saya opines. "Like, if everyone woman in the world was like, 'I'm gonna stop after one kid,' for a couple of generations, like, the problem would be solved. There'd be enough of everything for everyone and no one would have to fight any more stupid wars." She turns to Meadow with interest. "That sounds kind of cool," she says. "Like posters and stuff?"

"Then they'd fight each other because they just don't like each other, right?" Michael grimaces momentarily as he says that, before he nods at Meadow. "That might be a good idea," he offers.

"Posters, maybe an assembly.. I think rallying up a bunch of kids and asking them to help us convince people in this square to stop wasting water. We can call the news, too. The news loves when teenagers do things like this." Manipulative? Yes. Pragmatic for a good purpose? Absolutely. She strokes her delicate chin, her expression terribly interested. "I agree with the babies thing, especially in other countries like India. I'm doing my part and staying babyless. I'll adopt." Meadow confirms Saya's words with a soft nod; her eyes flickering to the other girl almost shrewdly. It's like she's quite interested in the girl; taking a new interest, likely because of her mature ideals. She glances back over at Michael, already delegating, perhaps. "Michael, would you like to take point on the boys on the football team? You're awesome at catching and I heard you get good grades."

Saya sighs a bit sadly at Michael's words. "Yeah, you're probably right," she frowns. "But maybe less so the more the global society develops. Hurray, internet, right?" She nods at Meadow. "Ooh, I've never been on the news, before," she says. "Maybe me and some of the other dancers could give a little benefit dance," she suggests. "Just to get people to wander over. Who wouldn't be curious to see a handful of ballerinas?" She grins at Meadow. "I don't think I want to ever give birth, myself," she admits. "I mean... that would pretty much be the end of my dancing career. I'd have to open a ballet school for little kids or something, instead of performing in the Royal Ballet and stuff like that."

"I'll see what I can do..." Michael replies a bit quietly, before he chuckles as he hears Saya's words. "I'm sure you'd be able to teach them as well. But I can understand you wanting to do the dancing yourself for a while first." A brief pause, before he adds, "You know, this cousin of mine over in Sweden has dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. I remember when we asked her back the last time we were there, and she said she wanted to go to the Kungliga Balleten... The Royal Swedish Ballet."

"I think that would be really nice if you did, Michael. We can make this a thing and get people to knock off the water wasting." Meadow smiles at Michael warmly; her dimples apparent before gold-flecked green eyes flick over to Saya. "Ballet is beautiful! You should totally dance here. Oh OH!" She gets excited, suddenly. "I'm thinking Saturday morning flash mob. The square is bustling then... and then suddenly, a gaggle of beautiful and serene ballet dancers putting on a performance with a live band that comes out of nowhere." She looks off into the distance, musing.

"Teach who?" Saya asks Michael, a little confused. She might have said something about the Royal Ballet - a gleam in her eye appears when Michael mentions it. But then Meadow gets swept away with the flash mob idea. "Oh. My. GAWD," she squeals, raising up on her toes in an almost-bounce. "That's a GREAT idea!" she says. "I... but a flash mob is a lot of people," she says. "I don't know all that many other ballerinas. We could do something like..." she thinks for a minute. "We could teach a bunch of people some basic moves, you know, plies and stuff. And then they could do a few simple things while me and my dance-class-buddies do more complicated stuff in the front?" she suggests. "A live band would be awesome, though - do you know of any?" Then her phone chimes and she frowns at it. "Crap!" she says. "I forgot! Mom's gonna kill me!" She fidgets. "I gotta go. But Facebook me!" she tells Meadow, already leaving with the umbrella, headed back the way she came. "I'm totally into this idea!" she shouts over her shoulder.

Michael chuckles as he listens now, before he grins momentarily. "Seems you guys know how to handle such things," he remarks, nodding as he does. As Saya heads off, he offers her a smile, "Take care."

She smiles over at Saya too, a bright look apparent. The little blonde looks terribly bubbly about these new ideas. Then, she looks over at Michael -- eyebrows lifting before she glances down at his rollerblades. She's getting rained on again! There's a brief pause now, before Michael seems to remember something. "Sorry that I don't have an umbrella to offer," he offers after a few brief moments now. "I was just going out for a little round, but then I decided to look around here for a little while."

It's lightly raining; there's a sprinkling pit-pat on the likes of Meadow. It's dampening her blonde hair and making it curl and her face is dewy with the stuff. She looks bright and bubbly; wearing a white tanktop and a fluttery, pretty dove gray dress to her calves. Her feet are sandaled, and the girl seems to be terrible warm; friendly. "I'm excited... so... what's your plan for the whole thing with the football players?" She asks, waving a hand. "No umbrella is fine. The rain feels nice." They're in the square, near the book store.

"I'm not sure yet," Michael admits, as he moves his rollerblade-wearing feet a little now. "I think I'd look up some stuff online first, then make some kind of a little flyer or something like that."

"Do what to the football team?" Stepping out of the Atlas, drink still in hand, Abe is just close enough that it doesn't quite qualify as eavesdropping. Almost. "I vote tutus. Those guys are all jerks. Serves them right." He's kidding of course, and even offers a small wave to the girls and a nod toward Michael.

Her eyes flicker over toward Abe; her eyes bright -- green-gold, a brow lifting at him. She laughs then; it's terribly warm -- her head shaking as she stands in the rain like some mysterious wood nymph who is at piece with nature. "We decided we're sick of people wasting water so we're going to try to do something about it. I'm trying to gain some sort of agreement here from Michael that he's going to help me, which would be very sweet and noble of him." Saya left a few minutes ago. "And Saya, that pretty ballet dancer girl, is going to flash mob. I need some orchestra kids to play some music as part of it." She has big plans! The little blonde sighs then; excitement apparent. "And maybe you, Abe, will do some research on what wasting water does to the environment and make it a biiit more relatable for teenagers to care about?" She asks with a raising of her brow. Delegation. Meadow also never forgets a name.

Michael shakes his head as he looks to Abe now, raising an eyebrow lightly. "Hey, just for that, I might decide to wear a tutu at some point," he remarks, with a chuckle. "Just remember it's your fault, okay?" A brief pause as he looks over at Meadow now. "Sweet and noble, hmm?" Spoken a little lightly, as he smiles, "I'll make sure to get something done," he promises.

Abe chuckles, "Well, that's certainly...exciting." He reaches for the right word, and while he doesn't seem pleased with the one he finds, he rolls on with a glance toward Michael. "But if you want even a shadow of a chance that the research will be any good at all, I am certainly not the guy for you. I'm more of a...hey what did you get for question number 14, type of guy." He smiles though, and laughs faintly as he glances between the two. "I'd like to know when the flash mob goes down though. That's going to make Mrs. Perkin's head explode." Michel gets a thumbs up at the tutu, but he also manages to inspire a sheepish enough as he glances back toward Meadow. Guess Abe is nether sweet nor noble. Drats.

"Aw, thanks, Michael," Miss Meadow says to him brightly -- dimples and all, then? She's looking over the likes of Abe. "So what would you like to do?" She asks with her head canted slightly with her fingers sweeping through her blonde hair. It falls in wet ringlets around her face, a few stuck to her forehead. "Maybe .. mm." She things, tapping her dainty chin twice. "Do you want to help me organize then? I'd like for you to be involved, it's for a good cause."

Michael grins, nodding as he looks between the others now. Once again moving his feet a little now. Keeping silent at the moment.

Abe laughs. "Can't I just support you silently and without having to do anything extra?" He sends her a hopeful smile, and even sends Michael a sigh. He's not stupid. He wont win. "How about, and keep an open mind with this, I buy you a snack and give you the opportunity to sway me over toward a passionate approach to water conservation?" he chuckles. "Mostly, I think my foods ready."

"No, you can't," she answers Abe with a little smile. She pats his shoulder -- "I guess you can buy me a snack." With that, the small blonde turns to start moving off, still rat with rain. Abe isn't getting off easy.

Michael smiles, as he looks between the two now. "I'll see you two later, then," he offers, with a smile, before he starts skating off now.