Father I love my father more than he'll know. He gave up everything to help me get out of a situation and I can't ever repay him for that. He really is the best father anyone could ask for.
Mother Despite my mother working at the school, she at least is cool enough to not want to drive me to school all the time and embarrass me. She's great because of that and I love her.
Brother Jason can be a thorn in my side at times, but I know he's always got my back. I love him despite his douchery and I know I can count on him when I need him.
Michael Dresden
Tommy Dresden
Rebekah Dresden
Brother Michael, Michael, Michael. What a tool, but he delivers pizza to me at school for lunch when I order it. What better way to show me he cares. Thanks, bum.
Brother Coming Soon...
Sister Coming Soon...
Ellie Dresden
Alice Starr
Sister Coming Soon...
New Friend Alice is a nice girl, but seems to be a bit accident prone and shy. She stumbled into McAlister and knocked over my bike. I know it was an accident and, who knows, I could help her out of her shell. She and I have since become friends.