From Lantern Hill
- Addiction
- Cost: 1-3pt
- You have a physical addiction.
- 1 - Easily found (Painkiller)
- 2 - Alcoholism
- 3 - Street Drugs.
- Allergic
- Cost: 1-4pt
- Alternate Identity
- Cost: 5pt
- Asthma
- Cost: 1pt
- Bad Sight
- Cost: 3pt
- Your eyesight is BAD.
- Blind
- Cost: 6pt
- You cannot see /at all/.
- Burned Out
- Cost: 1pt
- You've lost too much in your life and it's left you cynical and prone to anger when things don't work out.
- Criminal Record
- Cost: 2pt
- Dark Secret
- Cost: 4pt
- You have a deep dark secret that is best left hidden.
- Deaf
- Cost: 4pt
- You cannot hear /at all/.
- Flashbacks
- Cost: 3pt
- You experienced something so traumatic that to this day you still suffer flashbacks from it.
- Hard of Hearing
- Cost: 2pt
- Your hearing is not what it should be.
- Intolerance
- Cost: 1pt
- You have an unreasonable dislike of something.
- Low Self-Esteem
- Cost: 2pt
- You lack any real self-confidence.
- Mental Illness
- Cost: 3pt
- Mute
- Cost: 4pt
- Naive
- Cost: 1pt
- You're a good person and are always the last to suspect wrongdoing or bad intentions in people.
- Nightmares
- Cost: 4pt
- You experience nightmares when you sleep. Sometimes nightmares can cause a loss of 1 die to all attributes (consider it exhaustion).
- Paranoid
- Cost: 2pt
- You actually believe that everyone is out to get you.
- Paraplegic
- Cost: 6pt
- Phobia
- Cost: 1-3pt
- You have an overpowering fear of something and will do everything in your power to retreat or avoid it.
- Short Fuse
- Cost: 2pt
- You're quick to anger and flying off the handle at the smallest thing.
- Shy
- Cost: 1pt
- You are ill at ease when dealing with people and often try to avoid social situations because of this.
- Soft-Hearted
- Cost: 1pt
- You cannot stand seeing suffering in those around you.
- Speech Impediment
- Cost: 1pt
- You have a stammer or speech impediment.
- Uneducated
- Cost: 5pt
- Bad Divorce
- Cost: 4pt
- Your house is a war zone when it comes to your spouse.
- Dead Spouse
- Cost: 2pt
- Your spouse is dead.
- Single Parent
- Cost: 4pt
- Your house runs on one parent's income and one parent's attempts to...well, be a parent.
- Bad Reputation
- Cost: 2pt