Log:Lunchtime Conversation

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Revision as of 13:53, 4 November 2013 by Kelly (Talk | contribs)

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Jena Cruz Donny Winters
Twp classmates chat over lunch.
Cafeteria : NSH

Forecast: Autumn. Fair. 53.8F 12C

The tan walls, striped with a single, wide band of red set the mood for the cafeteria perfectly. It's like being back in the 70's, when the cafeteria was first installed and hasn't been updated since.

  • Row after row of folding tables with attached benches mark the area.
  • A service window and tray receptacle stand on the western wall.
  • Industrial Fluorescent Lighting fixtures are set into the drop ceiling.
  • White with red flecked linoleum flooring stretch the room.

  • Todays Menu is:
    Pasta Noodles w/ Eggrolls or Bean and Cheese Burrito
    Steamed Corn
    Peas & Carrots
    Diced Pears
    It's just about lunch time and Jena is putting a poster on the wall advertising for the Spartans to dogpile the Bulldogs. She's taping it up just as the lunch bell rings and the crowds start pouring out of the classrooms into the hall. She's already got a paper bag in one hand, looks like she brought her lunch.

    Donny makes his way out of Algebra with a grimace on his face and his backpack over his shoulder. He makes his way to his locker and grabs his guitar before heading to the cafe and finding some nondescript corner to sit in. He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a notebook and a bagged lunch. The lunch is tossed to the side, unthought of as he starts to play with a few chords and jotting things in his notebook every once in a while.

    With the sign hung up, her cheerleading duty done, Jena heads towards the cafeteria as well, carrying her paper bag with a logo on the side of the local sandwich shop where she works. No chance was she daring to touch those pasta noodles and eggrolls or bean burritos. She does get a milk though. So, even in Oklahoma, as country as it is, you never see someone with a guitar in the lunch room. Curious, she walks over and sits at the same table, opening her bag, she pulls out half a sub.

    Donny looks up as someone walks over. In his best effort to try not being rude he smiles with a nod and says, "Hey", before turning back to the notebook. He puts the guitar down gently and remembers his lunch. He reaches in and grabs a sandwich and a bottle of juice. "Donny", he says, by way of introduction. Man of many words, this one.

    Oh that's okay, Jena could talk someone's ear off. "Hi," she greets with a warm smile while unwrapping her sub. "You play very well?" Indicating the guitar with a nod towards it. "What sort of music do you play?" Time to open the carton of milk, following the arrows, she manages just fine. "Have you lived here long?"

    Donny blinks at the array of questions shot at him. Being the new kid, he expected it. "Well enough, I guess. I haven't played in front of an audience just yet. I play...hmm..." He takes a second to try to think of the genre of his music. "It's sorta a folksy-rock kinda mix?" He shrugs, not exactly sure if that was precise enough. "Just got here about a week ago. Getting used to the place. What about you?"

    "Folksy rock? That sounds kinda cool. Where'd you move here from?" Jena uses the plastic wrapped plastic knife from in the bag to cut the sub in half before picking up half and sliding the other half towards him. "Sub shop is the best place to get food." Hey at least she's sharing! "I moved here from Oklahoma at the beginning of summer. I love it here." Biting into her sub, she munches, glancing at him inquisitively.

    Donny smirks slightly. "I'm good with this, but thank you." He tries to be gracious. He nods to her, explaining her origin. "Nice. I would've liked summer here. Beats summer back in Cleveland." He smiles. "You don't look like a sophomore, but you're sitting here, so you can't be a senior."

    Jena slides it back to herself and smiles, unbothered by him declining the offer. "Do you always sit in the cafeteria? Most people spend time out in the court for lunch. You should really hang out there especially if you don't eat cafeteria food. You could get sick just breathing this stuff in. I saw you with your guitar, so I followed you." She grins just before taking another bite of her sub. "I'm a junior," she tells him after swallowing. "Are you on the football team or anything?"

    Donny looks outside. "I haven't yet but I'll give it a try next time, Thanks." He nods and smiles, a slight blush reaching his features. He nods again, knowing he was right. "I'm not football material. I may tryout for baseball. What about you? Have they been able to slide you into a stereotype just yet?"

    "I would say I follow the beat of my own drum, but since everyone says that, it'd only make me a follower. I guess I'd fit into a couple of categories. I'm the proverbial and experienced new kid. Move about every year or two. I'm a cheerleader and I like sports and weightlifting." Jena smiles, looking over at him. "An enigma." Offering a playful wink. "Baseball is fun, I like softball. My team back in Oklahoma just won state in slow pitch." Looking from him to his guitar, she grins. "Are you labeled yet?"

    Donny shrugs. "Not yet, but I'm sure I'm on the fast track for 'Slacker'. Perhaps I'll get a skateboard to fill out the look." He says, joking. He nods, listening. "Well, the benefit of constantly moving means you can be a different person each time until you find out who you actually are." He smiles. "I'm not real good at baseball, but I have the best chance with that. I should at least get a sport under my belt. Transcripts and all that sort." He says, finishing his lunch.

    Reaching for her milk, Jena washes down the part of the sub she had eaten. "Slacker?" She has to think about that one, and it makes her laugh. "Anyone who plays a guitar isn't so much a slacker, I guess. Not in Oklahoma anyway. You're a budding artist there," she grins. "You know how many stars came from there?" It's a rhetorical question that she really doesn't seem to be seeking an answer to. "Baseball is cool." Then, as if just remembering, she grins. "I'm Jena Cruz. Welcome to our little corner of the world."

    Donny chuckles and nods. "Unfortunately I'm not so well-versed on Oklahoman Superstars." He says with a smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Jena Cruz."

    "It's cool meeting you, Donny." She puts the remainder of her sandwich in the bag and stands. "I guess I'm gonna go outside for the rest of lunch. See ya around."

    Donny nods and waves. "Have fun." He picks up his guitar and continues writing.