Log:Nerves of Jello

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Donovan Kincaid Ellis Valencia
Donovan finally gets the nerves up to ask Ellis out on a date.
Lantern Square

Forecast: Autumn. Fair. 53.8F 12C

No Description Set

With the school hours over and the students are out in the city to take care of their errants, heading to work and just hanging out together. The streets being invaded like a zombie horde. Donovan is headed to work, but first he had to make a pit stop and pick up something from Unbound Books. He's currently leaving the shop with a book tucked under one arm, the cover showing the title of the book which reads 'Asking a Girl Out For Dummies'. Yup. He's resorted to buy a 'For Dummies' book now that he's entering unknown territory for himself. As he exits the store, he moves quickly towards his car, trying not to be seen with the book by anyone that he may know.

Ellis is just arriving at the square though there are others who've been about for awhile already. The blonde is headed for an upscale gift shop which, unfortunately for Donovan, just happens to be next door to Unbound Books. For a moment she's distracted by returning a text on her phone but when she looks up there's her neighbor. "Oh, hey Donvan," she greets with a smile.

It's just his luck that Donovan runs into the one person that he REALLY didn't want to see him with the book. He quickly tucks the book behind his back, hoping to keep it hidden from her as he stops in his tracks and looks up to Ellis, returning the smile. "Oh hey, Ellie. Umm... what... what are you doing here?" He asks, glancing around to see if Kelly is anywhere close by because he knows that Kelly would rat him out just for the laughs if he could, returning his gaze to Ellie once he believes the coast is clear. "I mean... umm... it's nice seeing you again." He looks her up and down for a quick moment before he smiles and speaks again. "You look great." It's pretty obvious that he's either nervous or embarrassed or, maybe, both.

Awkward! She knows what that book is for, even if she doesn't know about the book. Darn you Kelly! This would be so much easier, for her, if he hadn't opened his mouth on that point. "Um.. thanks.." she replies to the compliment, not quite sure what to say at this point. "I was just looking for a present for Isabelle," she adds, nodding towards the shop she was headed to in explanation. "How about you?" And yes, she is trying to get a peek at what he's hiding.

Damn those bookstores for not giving him a bag to put the book in. Donovan nods his head slightly and ahhs as he looks towards the store that she indicated with the nod of her head, possibly giving her an opportunity to scope out the book he's hiding as he turns slighlty. "Oh. Is it her birthday or something?" He asks, chewing on his lower lip as he looks back to her. He does seem a lot more nervous than he usually does, but she knows why. Stupid Kelly. He does keep looking at her, probably trying to build up the courage necessary to do what they both know he wants to.

Ellis nods, "Yeah, Friday," she replies about the other girl, clearly not something she's thrilled about, but she's doing it nonetheless. Feet shift, herself a bit on uncertain. "Are you okay?" she ask after a moment, tilting her head as if another angle might make all the difference.

Donovan smiles slightly and nods as he learns of Isabelle's upcoming birthday. "Oh. That should be fun." He says with a slight roll of the eyes, but her next question does seem to catch him off guard. He seems confused for a split second before he nods his head. "Yeah... I'm just..." He reaches up with a hand and rubs the back of his neck. "I just wanted..." He sighs as he fights to get the words out and then he takes a deep breath. No guts, no glory right? So he takes one more deep breath and then looks at her. "I just wanted... ummm... to ask you... if you'd..." He pause for a split second before trying again. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner and a movie with me." He finally gets it out, though it really comes out rather quickly and all together as if he had to force it out of himself... which he pretty much did.

"Yeah..." Ellis sounds about as thrilled with the ideas of the cheerleader's birthday as he looks with that eye roll. A nod follows given his assurance that he's alright, though the look she gives him isn't exactly one of someone convinced. His awkward hesitation doesn't help matters either, but when it finally comes out she offers a smile. "Um.. sure," she agrees. A touch of hesitation, but then her side of the conversation was likely FAR easier than his.

Donovan seems like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders as he hears her answer to his question, a smile returning to his lips as he looks at her again. "Yeah? Great. Umm... how about this Saturday? I have to work this week, but I'm off then." He adds with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "I can swing by your place say at seven?" At least that part will be easier than asking her out. It's not like he can get lost on the way to her place. Now that he's more relaxed and the hard part is out of the way, he visibly relaxes which means the book comes out of hiding and is back at his side without thinking about it.

Ellis nods. "Saturday sounds good," she agrees, "Could we say 7:30? I have lessons until 6." Time to get home and get ready, that extra half hour would be nice to have, for her anyway. A smile pulls at the corners of her lips as the book comes into view, at least she's not laughing, or pointing it out. Some people would have.

Yes, some people would have and we won't name any names... Kelly. He smiles and nods his head at the time she suggests. "Seven thirty is perfect." It'll give him time to actually try to make his beat up car look and, possibly, smell nice for her if he can make it to the carwash before then. He's got a lot of planning to do. Picking a restaurant, making sure his clothes are clean, get a hair cut, and even find out what's playing at that time. He still doesn't seem to notice his secret is out with the book in his hand in full view as he looks at her. "Is there anything or anywhere that you don't like or where Kelly's gotten you banned from? I'd hate to take you somewhere and you don't like the food or something." He offers with a slight chuckle.

There's a few other names that could not be mentioned in the same sense, but that aside Ellis nods again, "Sounds like a plan then," she agrees. Time and day set its the where that's still up in the air. "No," she says with a laugh and a shake of her head. "Kelly's only gotten himself banned so far. The Orchid is amazing," she notes, nodding across the square to the restaurant mentioned, "But its expensive. Ricky's is decent," and far more affordable on a teenager's budget. She pauses a moment longer before drawing his attention to the book, "Kelly told me." That's his fault for asking him for help.

Donovan nods his head as he seems to smile a bit more as he hears her laugh. "Well, that's good." He says in regards to Kelly only banning himself. Then the suggestion not the Orchid is heard and he looks over to the restaurant. "I'll definitely check into those two places." He says, looking back to her. He may have a job and all, but the Orchid still may be out of his price range unless he sells his first born or something. As she mentions Kelly telling her and then pointing out the book, his face grows a bright red and he shoves the book back behind his back. "I shouldn't be surprised that he did." He says, shaking his head slightly. "I know not to tell him stuff like this I guess." He says, glancing down at the sidewalk. "I guess I don't need this anymore though." He says with a slight chuckle, holding up the book.

"He's one of my best friends," Ellis says of Kelly, not to mention he tends to be rather to the point. So no, he shouldn't be surprised that he told her. Then again if he hadn't the outcome of the asking might have been far different. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything," she should have just pretended she didn't see the book and she didn't know anything about his plans. "At least maybe you can get your money back?" Because how helpful are those books really?

Donovan sighs and nods his head. "Yeah, that's kinda why I went to him. Because I knew you guys were friends." He says with a slight sigh. "Oh well, at least you were able to brace yourself." He offers with a slight chuckle before he shakes his head at her apology. "No. It's okay. I'm kinda glad it worked out this way." He offers with a warm smile before nodding in agreement about getting money back for the book. "Yeah. Though I think they're gonna look at me funny when I go back in there and tell 'em I don't need it anymore.

Ellis offers up a smile, trying for reassurance, and perhaps an attempt to hide her own nervousness around the situation. "Probably for the best," she agrees, turning a glance over her shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about what they think," the store that is.

Donovan smiles again along with a slightly nervous chuckle. "I suppose it is for the best, but I think I should head back in there. I don't wanna keep you from your stuff. I'll see you around though." He says with a smile. "I really look forward to this weekend though." He says with a smile as he shoves his free hand into his back pocket, the other still holding onto that damned book.

Ellis nods. They both have things to do, and while she's still a little hesitant about what just took place there is still a smile returned. "Me too," she agrees, "See you in class tomorrow," she adds, sending a wave after her as she heads off to her shopping.

Donovan offers a wave in return. "See you tomorrow." He offers in return, watching her head off for a few moments before he starts back into the bookstore to get his money back on a book he didn't even need.