Log:Shop Talk

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Kelly Black Donny Winters
Kelly and Donny discuss a common interest.
Cosmic Comics

One would think with the comic shop being located in such a large building one would not be so cramped for space. That is now, however, the case for Cosmic Comics. A true collectors paradise, this massive brownstone building, once an Exxon Station, holds so many shelves and display cases that sitting space and walking room are rather hindered in the deeper reaches of the building. With over forty home-published comics and a score of popular titles and more exotic imports, it's almost wall-to-wall with the bold colors and avid comic aficionados.
  • In the front is a set of couches & chairs for customers to read their wares.
  • The back room, complete with curtain, is reserved for role-playing material.
  • The cashier's counter is laden with dice and more costly figurines.
  • A board near the door holds fliers for local parties and band ads.
  • Log
    After school and before night fall is one of the cities busiest times. As people make their ways home and into town for the evening, many have allowed themselves the last few hours of daylight to shop. Despite his lack of interest in shopping, comic books appear to be a necessary evil in Kelly's life.

    The shop is not exactly busy. A few bodies linger around the shop, while an employee can be found slumped over the latest release of some hot topic superhero. Kelly is not a fan, and instead can be found near the back where a wall of magazines area located. Slouches near the end, the teen thumbs through the most recent release of "Inked" as he hums to whatever tune drums out from the earbuds worn loosely around his neck.

    Donny makes his way into the shop. No bike, seeing as the shop is only a block away from his house. He's been wearing a maroon hoodie lately instead of his signature red. No backpack or guitar, he simply walks in and heads for the new release shelf. "Hey Joe." he says to the clerk behind the counter. "Any idea when the next Young Avengers and Hawkeye come out? I'm seriously behind."

    Kelly finds what he came for, turning with a faint chuckle to himself as he begins back toward the counter. Only then does he spot the familiar face. "Isn't that a carton?" Because..cartoons he likes! He also reaches to silence the music around his neck. "Oh, and hey." Because he's just that charming. Joe also gets a wave as Kelly tosses the magazine toward the counter, allowing it to land there with a small *thump* "How'd the date go? Cause I know there had to be a date."

    Donny blinks.. "No.. You're confused either with Teen Titans or Young Justice." He smirks.. "I know.. Teen comics-slash-cartoons are about as plenty as nighttime teen dramas." Joe checks the catalog and lets Donny know the release dates." Thanks." He says to the clerk as he moves on to a nearby rack, nonchalantly checking out other books. He turns to Kelly with a raised brow.. "Huh? What date?" He has an inkling as to what the young man is getting at, he's just not about to make it easy.

    Kelly ahs, shrugging lazily, "I knew it was some..something." he mumbles, clearly unconcerned with the existence of said cartoon. If nothing more it was an ice breaker. As Donny becomes difficult, Kelly's half-lidded gaze says it all. 'I'm so not mellow enough for this! "Yeah.." he decides, "I said date because I respect her. Would you prefer I phrase it a different way?" Really Donny! Must you goad him?!

    Donny swallows sharply as he puts a book down. "Alright, let's get straight to it. Jena and I haven't gone out... Yet. I'm pretty sure she's interested, I just... haven't asked her yet." He looks outside before turning back to the boy. "I'm trying to respect her too. Plus it makes me look like a jerk for swooping in when she's vulnerable." Though it looks like the both Donny and Jena had been swooped at the same time. "Why? Is she acting differently? I didn't see her at school today."

    Kelly shrugs, "I don't see why she's vulnerable. We went out once. We weren't official..we kissed once. At a theater. I hate to sound like a jerk about it, but I didn't realize I was getting a girlfriend by going on a date." He frowns, but only momentarily. "Which is why I was straight up with her. She's a good girl. Deserves someone more settled. I'm to compulsive for her. She'd get hurt." There, it's said, but he seems unmoved by much of the conversation. "I'm also not pushing, believe it or not. But I think you two make a nice couple. Just sayin. You'll go to homecoming and all that shit, stuff I wouldn't do with her." A few seconds pass before he shrugs, "I dunno...I skipped after first period..and I slept through that."

    Donny sighs in relief. "Ok.. That makes more sense. And you're right. She is a good girl. It's good that you had the forethought to know how it would affect her. I was just expecting a confrontation of some sort.." He waves off any form of argument.. "I know you *said* you were cool with it, but sometimes in theory doesn't mean the same as in practice." He nods at the teen's summation of his school day. "Still feeling the after-effects, or is this normal for you?" He asks out of concern and curiosity.

    Kelly chuckles, "With exception to the other night, I'm not exactly a mean guy." He chuckles at the thought, though he also seems slightly smug at the idea. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a doormat and everybody enjoys a punch now and then, but I'm a generally peacefulish guy. I prefer the drama at a minimal of not none existent level." He is silent after a few seconds, thinking with a sigh, "As for fighting for her..she's not my type. I don't want to be that guy, an I'd get bored with her fast. I don't think she should be cheated on or ignored..I date KC for a reason."

    Donny nods. "I know. It's all good. I'm not big on drama either.. I've had enough of it at home." He tries to think of the nicest way to put the next sentence. "I can see how the two of you would move in different directions. Your energies are different. She's soft and fluffy and you're a bit of a constant frenetic buzz." He chuckles and then turns solemn at the mention of Kaicee. "How's she doing? I hadn't heard from her since our discussion." He says as he leans up against a rack.

    Kelly chuckles. "Wow..thanks." he jokes back toward the other boy, "But yeah, that's exactly it. I dug her plenty, but there wasn't a long term vibe there." When Kaicee is mentioned Kelly shrugs, "She's alright." He allows without much thought. "Being KC. She's not really the type to linger on stuff." Understatement! "But she's good. We skipped yesterday. Had nachos and played some at the arcade. Hung at her dads shop. I guess everything's kinda normal again."

    Donny nods. "Well, that's good." He smiles.. "Well, I'll catch you at school tomorrow.. for the brief time you'll be there." He smiles. "I should get going. Take it easy."

    Kelly nods, offering the other teen a wave. "Later days." It's simple, but it's all he has before heading back toward the back again.