Log:Mastery of English

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Donny Winters Jena Cruz Lizzy Gold Gildart Dunmore
Jena, Donny, Gildart, and Lizzy have lunch. Jena makes a shocking suggestion!
Cafeteria : NSH

Forecast: Autumn. Fair. 53.8F 12C

The tan walls, striped with a single, wide band of red set the mood for the cafeteria perfectly. It's like being back in the 70's, when the cafeteria was first installed and hasn't been updated since.

  • Row after row of folding tables with attached benches mark the area.
  • A service window and tray receptacle stand on the western wall.
  • Industrial Fluorescent Lighting fixtures are set into the drop ceiling.
  • White with red flecked linoleum flooring stretch the room.
  • Todays Menu is:

  • Pasta Noodles w/ Eggrolls or Bean and Cheese Burrito
  • Steamed Corn
  • Peas & Carrots
  • Diced Pears
  • Log
    The loud chattering in the cafeteria is in full as lunch is on going at the moment. Long line of people waiting to get food and rather few empty tables. Most of them devided into the different social groups currently, jocks, geeks and so forth.

    Getting some pasta noodles with eggrolls, perhaps to avoid beans, and making sure to check that there are no mushrooms in any of the food before making his way from the line is none other than Gildart. Letting his amber gaze sweep across the room. Spotting a few empty seats at one of the jocks' table. Although it is occupied by some of those that are less than pleased by his arrival, as one of them is the former starting runningback. Instead he slowly makes way for the only empty table, settling down comfortably.

    Friday Friday Friday! Everybody loves Fridays, because it means the weekend is fast approaching. Lizzy is mostly skipping the line for food, having just picked up one of those awful boxed milks. She's dressed in a Spartans shirt today, because it was game day. She's carrying her backpack and spots Gildart over at a table by himself. The tall teen walks over towards him and takes a seat across from him. "Hey there. Ready for the game today?" Lizzy asks, not bothering to ask if she can join him. It's a free lunchroom, after all!

    Jena didn't have time to stop by the deli she works at this morning, she'd been running a little late. That meant skip the meal all together or eat in the cafeteria. Wearing her cheerleading uniform with pristine white shoes, she has her hair pulled back in a ponytail with red and black ribbons that fall in a small mass. She's waiting in line, collecting her tray, milk, napkin and fork.

    Donny makes his way into the cafeteria, feeling a little goofy. He's wearing a Spartans t-shirt as well, and to push the school spirit he has red and black paint stripes under his eyes, like the football players do. He happens to make his way into line behind everyone's favorite cheerleader, who isn't Isabelle. He grabs a tray as he makes his way down the line. He takes on a Scottish accent, obviously fake, and leans in to speak to Jena. "Ye may want to stay away from the burrito, lass... Don' wanna be at the top of the pyramid wit' da rumbles, if'n ye know what I mean..." He grins evilly.

    Gildart grins and offers a nod to Lizzy as he takes a bite of his food. Clearing his mouth before speaking, "Yeah, just getting in the mental state." He offers in his usual accent that holds a bit of british in it. He also flexes an arm a bit. Not a very large arm, but clearly muscled and he's trained. Eyes do go towards Donny and Jena as well, offering a nod if they look. Then letting his gaze go back to Lizzy. "I am sure we'll kick ass. How about you? How's the day been?" Another bite slowly taken from his food.

    "It's Friday. The classes go by way too slowly for my taste," Lizzy admits with a grin. "Fridays always go like that though". She has noticed that the guy doesn't seem to be with the rest of the team, but doesn't comment upon it yet. The flex gets an amused smile, but like the fact Gildart isn't sitting with the team, she doesn't comment on it. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a brown paper bag. She notices the direction Gildart looks and gives Jena and Donny a smile. "Well, just make sure Austin gives you a few handoffs. If we're passing the ball exclusively, it probably means we're down twenty points again". Which was not the goal of this game. "You got any big pre-game rituals you do?" she asks.

    Jena gets through the line just in time to to catch the nod from Art. She nods in return, smiles at Lizzy, then looks back at Donny and crinkles her nose. "That's disgusting, Donny." Nudging him with her arm before she walks over to the jocks table to sit with Lizzy and Art, scooting over to make room for Donny.

    Donny can't help but laugh and cringe at the shot to the ribs and slides in next to Jena. "Hey there." He says to everyone, having met Lizzy but not Gildart. "Everyone ready for tonight?" He says, with an enthusiastic smile.

    "Ah, true enough. I think it's still quite nice though." He offers and shifts a bit in his seat. Clearing having had to have etiquette overseas, as he keeps quite straight and proper. Almost makes him look a bit like a snob. "Oh, of course. I'll do my best. I am sure we can make something happen for sure. He had a good game last time after all, even if we lost." Having a rather confident smirk on his lips at that. As for the last question, he shrugs, "Burning money." It's hard to tell if he's serious or not. "As well as a quiet moment and probably a few things I don't even think about." As Jena and Donny comes over he does let his attention shifts towards them. "Hey there. How are you both?" He asks. Not sure if he knows any of them really. He has probably seen Jena before even if they might not have talked. If he knew any of them from before leaving Lantern hill he does not seem to recall them.

    A nod is given to Gildart, but she drops that conversation thread as the others join them. She does smile a bit at the burning money comment, however, taking that as a joke. "Hey Jena. Donny," Lizzy greets the other two as they slide into the table. "Yeah, I'm ready for tonight, though Jena and Gildart here have the most to get ready for," the girl points out as she pulls out a tuna sandwich. "You got any new cheers planned for the game tonight, Jena?" Lizzy asks the cheerleader. She takes a bite of her sandwich and falls quiet.

    Jena warms to the subject. Very much. "I brought a couple of cheers from back home where I came from and everyone agreed to try them out tonight to see the response." She looks back to Art only knowing him from the football team, she'd only moved in this summer, but she does work at the deli, so they had seen each other for sure. "I'm good, I hope you guys win tonight." The only thing on her trays she goes for at the moment are the pears and her milk. "Is anyone driving to the game or taking the bus?" It's another away game after all.

    Donny nods. "We all need the moral boost after last week. You guys are due, anyways." He says, then turns to Jena. "I'm coming up with Dylan. Who knows, perhaps he'll even let me drive up." He pulls his newly minted driver's permit from his pocket. "Can't wait to see you in action." He says, to both Art and Jena. He checks his watch.. "Crap.. I'll have to wait a bit longer. Gotta run to class." He gives Jena's hand a squeeze. "I'll catch you tonight."

    "Yeah, quite ready." Comes the rather belated reply to Donny from Gildart. Glancing to listen to Lizzy speak as well, hearing her mentioning all the names. Looking between both girls. "Ah, I am quite sure you'll do great. And thank you, I am sure we will. We try to be prepared." He offers to Jena. Though her last question makes him shrug, "I am sure coach will want the team to take the bus, at least." He offers. As for Donny's excitement to see them in action, he smiles and nods, "Will make sure to give you all a show." He tells them before nodding. "See you later." He offers as Donny heads off. Focusing on the two still with him.

    And there's Donny leaving again when she's around! Lizzy is going to start developing some sort of complex about the kid or something. She watches him leave. "Laters," she says to Donny before turning to the others. "Looking forward to hearing them," Lizzy says to Jena. "Anything you can hint at?" she asks her classmate. At the question of the bus, Lizzy shakes her head. "I'm driving myself. I've got my Nissan and I'd rather take that up," she admits. "I'll get plenty of bus time in when the winter and spring sports seasons show up. I can do without this go around".

    Jena watches Donny go, glad for the permit he now sports, but unable to tell him before he disappears. She grins back to the others. "I don't have long myself. We're getting those cheers down pat before the game, so we have an after lunch practice, skipping electives, so no weight class for me today." She grins and leans in. "Since it's an away game, the sponsor won't be there so we have a few just for fun against the other team, but otherwise just a few cheers that weren't used around here yet." She nods to Lizzy. "I don't like the bus."

    Gildart listens to them both, nodding a bit. "Well, at least you all will keep us playing well, I am sure." He offers with a grin and turns to Lizzy. "And as I said, you'll be of help in the crowd as well." Finishing his food and leaning back in his seat, after placing his utensils neatly to suggest him being finished. "I admit that I would prefer taking my car. Though we'll see how it goes."

    Lizzy smirks a little at Jena. "Sounds good to me. Didn't know the cheer team had a sponsor though?" Lizzy wasn't quite aware of how that worked. "Fridays are always weird during football season in that class. Eighty percent of the class can't do much of anything, minimum. Makes it easy to find spotters though," Lizzy points out. It wasn't anything bad, just a quirk of how things were. She takes another bite of her sandwich and nods to Gildart. "At least you get the nice buses and not the school buses for the trip. Could be way worse if you had to take a yellow bus with ugly green seats in it". She can't imagine the football team feeling terribly comfortable on such a cramped bus either.

    "I sure hope so Art," Jena smirks. "You have that Corvette right? The one I see in the parking lot all the time?" Jena finishes her pears, looking finished also. "The sponsor, the cheerleading coach, whatever you want to call her." Lifting a shoulder, she stands, gathering her tray. "She doesn't allow us to do the really bad cheers." Of course not -that- bad. "You know, like the one that says.. 'Go back, go back, go back to the woods, your team ain't got no talent and your coach is no good?" She grins.

    "A lot of spotters and a lot of talking." Gildart offers about weight class. Nodding about their busses. "Yeah, they are. But still, not quite the same. Though it is fine enough." As for Jena's question, he smirks. "Yeah. It's a beauty, right?" He offers and laces his fingers together behind his back. Grinning at the cheer. "I am confident you all come up with something quite good anyhow." Before he get to say more some of the players that are actually fine with him does offer waves and so forth, getting ready for the game. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be ready to go." He assures them before turning back to the girls, "Where were we, ladies?"

    Lizzy laughs at the cheear. "Yeah, that one might get you in a touch bit of trouble if you did it at home," the girl suggests. Which is a shame, because it was funny. "Yeah, it's a nice car," Lizzy agrees. "I've seen it out there too". She takes a drink of her milk, not being finished with her lunch yet like the others. "Didn't know the coach got called the sponsor though". Though Lizzy could see it. "Just not how I'm used to thinking of a sponsor, you know?" She shrugs at that.

    "I'm just trying to figure out what I'm doing the rest of this weekend. Got Friday planned out, but haven't thought a bit about what to do this weekend," Lizzy admits. "You know of anything good going on?" she asks.

    Jena grins, gathering her stuff. "Maybe Art should ask you out sometime this weekend. And tonight, after the game, everyone will meet at the Firefly. I hope you guys come, I'll be going." She laughs. "Maybe it isn't called sponsor here, I just got used to it where I'm from. We had a cheer sponsor because she didn't get paid for it." Lifting her shoulders, she looks between the two. "I'll see you both later."

    Gildart chuckles, "I do agree about the cheer." He offers but before he get to go on he hear Jena's suggestion and it causes him to chuckle. "Oh, that so?" He says and gives Lizzy a teasing grin before looking between them both. "If I didn't know better I would think you two had been talking of this before." Shrugging a bit then. "Though perhaps so. We'll see how the game goes first. Need to keep focused." OR he's just being a teasing asshat. As for Jena seeming to be leaving he looks over. "See you around. Actually, I should be going as well. Got things to do before the game after all." Taking his tray as he rises. "Seeya both around. I should be able to get to Firefly after." He offers.

    And thus Lizzy is left blinking at Jena, her mouth frozen in place as she was taking a bite of her sandwich when Jena made her suggestion. She had other things she was going to say, but all thought of them is driven out by the suggestion that is made, if only because it was...not describable. The shock on the girl's face is clear, and she finishes her sandwich bite before she swallows and clears her throat. No, no she wasn't consulted in this little plan of Jena's. "Umm, uhh, yeah. Focus is good. See you both later! Good luck at the game today!" Lizzy offers. Yep. Clearly she was a master of the English language. She then mumbles something in German, mostly to herself.