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Donovan Kincaid Gildart Dunmore Tabitha Blayer
Donovan hits Art, but is stopped by a ninja before things get out of hand.
School Library: NSH

Forecast: Winter. Stormy. 53.8F 12C

Stepping into the lobby the colors scream out at you. All around one can spot signs of school spirit, if not from the many glass cases of trophies, then from the uncountable signs, banners, and posters placed upon the walls by the students.

  • On the west wall stands a large doorway, leading into the main office.
  • A poster on the wall points students to the Admin Office for enrollment.
  • On the farthest wall is a large board for fliers and memos to the students.
Coming out from class and just wandering about, seemingly on his way out for fresh air. That seem to be the plan of several people. Among them Gildart. A buzzing sound can be heard in the lobby as people speak to one another. Parting ways with his fellow jocks not too long ago mean that Gildart is now alone as he makes way towards the main entrance.

Donovan steps into the hallway from one of the class rooms as Gildart passes by. He follows the kid for a few moments as he moves down the hallway, the parting crowd gives Donovan an open view of Art. "Hey Art." He calls out to the kid, his hands balled up into fists at his side as he remains a few steps behind him, waiting for him to turn around.

Gildart continues down the hallway. Showing that pirate swagger as he does. Until he hear that familiar voice. Because when he does he will turn around, to be able to give Donovan a smile. "Hey there." Comes his words as he takes in the other student, for however long or short he has.

Tabitha has recycled the black tank top from yesterday's BSG costume, wearing them with a loose-fitting pair of black yoga pants and black dance shoes. Her arms are covered with black arm warmers that cover her hands but let her fingers go free, her thumbs protruding through convenient holes in the fabric. And her head's covered over with a proper ninja hood, covering over her nose and mouth and all of her hair, which must be in a bun underneath the hood, from the way it juts out behind her head a little ways, leaving her eyes visible as she sneaks down the corridor.

Donovan didn't really bother to dress up today with the theme of the day, considering he's got too much on his mind. He stops as Gildart does, dropping his backpack to the ground as he sees Art starting to turn, then that smile... When he sees that smile, that's when he takes a step in, winding back and throwing a punch at the kid. From the technique, it's obvious that Donovan's not use to fighting and that he's just going off of pure instinct and improvisation rather than on technique.

Gildart raises a brow as the backpack falls to the floor and then that swing. Unlike Donovan however, Gildart has been in a couple fights. Besides, he is good ad dodging. Though the slight surprise of the swing does still hit, but not full on. Just causing Gildart to stumble back a step and stare at Donovan. "Now what?" He asks, making himself ready to fight it seems. Though able to control himself until some answer is given. A small mark perhaps seen on the cheek from where Donovan hit him. The sneaky ninja, Tabitha, unfortunately ignored for now.

Tabitha doesn't know what to do. At all. There's a civilian beating a pirate in the hallway. She crouches, lowering herself and then jumping up, doing a single handspring and landing in a ninja-pose as close to between the pirate and his foe as possible. "Not here, in the light, brother. Tonight. Tonight all debts of honor will be paid. Join our ranks and vanquish the piratical foe," she addresses Donovan.

Donovan seems surprised his punch even landed, though the lack of experience causes him to fail to capitalize upon it. Instead, Donovan just seems to stand there, not sure what to expect next. The question from Art causes Donovan's eye to narrow. "Back the fuck off of, Ellis. She's with me, so back the fuck away." He says, pointing at him before he gets ready to throw another punch. His focus being completely on Art, he doesn't notice Tabitha being all ninja-like until she's standing between them. He blinks a few times at her words, obviously confused. He glances around at the gathering crowd before he looks back to Art. "Just back the fuck off." He says to him again.

Gildart laughs at Donovan, "Seriously? We're just friends." He says and shakes his head a bit, though staying ready if Donovan tries another punch. "And try to punch me again and I will retaliate." He offers and gains a serious look that he focuses on Donovan. Tabitha's attempts to stop the fight does get a smirk, but he keeps his eyes on Donovan. "Don't go telling me what to do." He offers, tilting his head, "As I said, I'm not trying anything." He offers. Clenching his jaw.

Tabitha was ninja incarnate there for a second. But now that she's standing between two guys eager to get at one another and they both all but ignore her, she goes back to sort of standing there awkwardly. Between them. "Uh."

Donovan seems to get more upset as Art laughs at him, shaking his head. "I don't give a fuck. I know you're trying shit. Back the fuck off and leave her alone." He tells hims, his fists still balled up. Art's next words brings a smirk to his lips as he looks to Tabitha. "Move aside." He says to her as he attempts to step around her to get to Art.

Gildart shakes his head, "You're paranoid." He offers and just waiting for Donovan, quite ready. "Sorry, sweetie." He offers to Tabitha, since she did try to stop them.

Tabitha holds up her hands, one toward Gildart, one toward Donovan. "You're going to get in trouble," she complains, now decidedly more geek than ninja. "Or someone's going to get hurt. If you want to compare physical attributes, why not have a footrace or a push-ups contest or something?"

Donovan stops as Tabitha continues to stand between them and holds up her hands towards eh two. He glances between Art and Tabitha for a few moments before he shakes his head before he looks back to Art. "Just back the fuck off." He says before he turns back to get his backpack, picking it up. He shakes the hand he hit Art with as the adrenaline wears off and the pain starts to be felt. He slings the backpack over his shoulder and tries to push through the crowd that had gathered.

"Shut up." Gildart offers to Donovan, "Telling me to stop being friends with her? Just because you got some weird thing about me wanting her for some such reason?" He says and shakes his head a bit. Watching Donovan, to see if he leaves or stops. Making sure he's gone before he'll speak to Tabitha, "Thanks."

At least nobody knows who she is. That's somehow empowering for Tabitha, who normally would not in the least stick her nose into a tense social situation like that. Spirit week is her week, isn't it? Turning to Gildart, she bows. "You are free to go, this time, Pirate. When the Ninja comes for you in the end, you'll never see it coming," she whispers, narrowing her eyes menacingly, getting back into character before she darts off into the crowd and away.

Donovan pauses for a few moments as he hears Art's words towards him, but finally continues on, pushing through the crowd and heads down the hallway, leaving the scene before the teachers and faculty starts to arrive to break up everything and to take everyone away to the Principal's office.

Gildart chuckles to Tabitha, bowing his head, "Ay remember that, matey." He offers in a British pirate accent. Grinning a bit. As if the past moment just slide off of him, for now. Though there is a brief sigh as well. Then he goes dancing off.