Log:She Said Yes!

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Tanner Corman Bonnie Boyd
Tanner finds out the answer to his question.
School Lobby - NSH

Stepping into the lobby the colors scream out at you. All around one can spot signs of school spirit, if not from the many glass cases of trophies, then from the uncountable signs, banners, and posters placed upon the walls by the students.

  • On the west wall stands a large doorway, leading into the main office.
  • A poster on the wall points students to the Admin Office for enrollment.
  • On the farthest wall is a large board for fliers and memos to the students.
  • Log
    So it's Wednesday during Spirit Week. That means that it's Superhero Day, and for one, Bonnie's actually complying. A fan of black lately, Bonnie's decided to take on the Dark Knight in a whole new way. She wears the black cape and cowl, with a tight-fitting black tunic, leg gins, and boots. A gold bat symbol is stretched across her chest while her long red hair flows from the back of the cowl. She currently has a messenger bag over her shoulder instead of a utility belt. She glances around at the other costumes as she makes her way to her locker.

    Some laughs and comments of, "Awesome," can be heard from the hall as Tanner makes his way through the crowd of students. He has a huge smile on his face, walking proudly in his Supergirl costume. He has ridiculously bright red lip stick on, and what are likely oranges stuffed on his chest as he prances along, loving the attention. He notices Bonnie, and he strikes a super pose, legs spread and fists on his hips. He speaks making a high pitched girl voice, "Well hello, Dark Knight!"

    Bonnie blinks, slowly... She tries to remain serious, but c'mon, she can't help but laugh out loud. "You look ridiculous, you know that, right?" She shakes her head. "What's up?" She asks, as giggles and guffaws pass by them in the hallway.

    Tanner smiles widely, "I look stunningly attractive!" he shouts, and then walks the rest of the way to her. "Look at you, though, dude! Someone forgot to pack their Bat Anti-Spirit Week Spray in their backpack this morning." He gives her a rather obvious once over, "It looks great, but what brought it on?"

    Bonnie shrugs. "I figure that I'm working too hard at this protest thing. Elle had a point. She said I'd probably get more votes just on the fact that *I* don't want it.. Plus it may start to smack of "protesting too much". Plus I like the powerful Batgirl. The Elseworld's Finest version." She looks over. "What about you? Have too many oranges hanging around the house, and threw on your Superman Underoos?"

    Tanner shrugs, "I got spirit," he says, as he grabs his 'boobs' and gives them a heft. "You know, I totally voted for you," he says proudly, smiling widely. "Elle was right, the whole protest thing was WAY hot." He then leans against the nearest locker, tilting his head a bit, lifting his chin, "So, you thought at all about the dance?"

    Bonnie blushes. "Of course you did. Who doesn't want to brag about bringing the Queen to the dance?" She chuckles slightly. "It wasn't supposed to be hot. I'm serious about this." She nods and sighs. "It's not the dance that I don't like. It's the fact that the administration thinks that it can control us by parading the guys and girls around like meat, ready for some popularity contest. Why can't they just have a dance?" She sighs, with a smile.. "And I also didn't want to tell you no..."

    Tanner laughs, "But, homecoming court IS a popularity contest, dude. That's the point. Everyone votes to see who's most awesomest." He reaches out and gives her shoulder a single, quick touch. "High school kids can't dance. So, they judge instead, ya know?" He smiles at that, finding his observation rather astute. He smiles wider, regarding her with interest. "So... You're telling me yes, then?"

    Bonnie sighs.. "But...why? I mean, why do they need to bring out the worst in us?" She shakes her head. She stops and nods.. "Yeah.. I'm telling you yes."

    Tanner's smile gets huge, and he turns to face the hall, lifting his fists high in the air and yelling at the top his lungs, "SHE SAID YES!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" A couple of other kids 'woo' back at him, and then he turns back to Bonnie. "Don't be too hard on it. It also brings out the best. Like, your morals." He winks, "And your costume." He laughs again, with a little smile. "So, you'll lemme know the color you're gonna wear and whatevs, right?"

    Bonnie blinks.. "Oh.. We're supposed to match? Oy...." She raises a hand to her head, nearly knocking the cowl off. "I'll let you know once I pick something out. Maybe I'll have Tabitha come with me.. It's not like I can let my mom know I'm going to Homecoming.." Once again, Tanner laughs, "We can't tell your mom, huh?" He smiles, "Why is that? She gonna be all, 'oh, let's take pictures and blah blah blah you look so awesome and stuff!'?"

    Bonnie blinks.. "You.. don't know my mom?" She sighs and rolls her eyes.. "She always finds some way to embarrass me. Her reputation for being the Town Pump isn't exaggerated.."

    Tanner lifts his brow, "Yeah? Is she hot?" He pauses just a moment, and then he laughs, "I'm kidding!" He shakes his head, "Seriously, no, I don't really know about her except you guys run the incense and crystal emporium place, right?"

    Bonnie punches Tanner in the arm, hard, and not amused. "We run the Apothecary, yes.." She smirks.. "Emporium... That's one way to think of it." She sighs. She looks at the time. "I need to get going to class. I'll catch you later?" Bonnie is dressed as a tough Batgirl while Tanner is dressed as Supergirl, complete with orange falsies.

    Tanner grabs his arm, "Ow!" He rubs the spot, and then smiles dumbly, "I just got hit on by Batman." He chuckles, "See ya, Bats." He watches her go, and smiles, before furrowing his brow again. "Ow." He rubs his arm once more.