Log:Homecoming, Part 1

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Donovan Kincaid Ellis ValenciaTanner Corman Bonnie BoydGildart Dunmore Amelia Lancastle-SmythTabitha BlayerShane BarnesDash DawsonKelly BlackKaicee KaneDonny WintersJena Cruz
The Homecoming Dace finally happens!
Gymnasium : NSH

The hard work of the junior class was not wasted. The normally boring and bland school gym has been transformed, from gymnasium to masquerade ball.

Sheets of purple and black drape down from the high ceilings, concealing the rafters above and closing off the dance in a flowing indoor tent. Overhead white lights twinkle, their soft glow reflecting on the heavily glittered masks that hang from throughout the room.

The floor is uncovered, though tables and chairs, all decorated in high school elegance, have been placed in small clusters near the edges of the gym, leaving the center area for dancing and lingering herds of well dressed homecoming goers.

Near the back a large platform has been setup for the DJ, a popular personality brought in from northern California, DJ Maxx.

  • Each table holds a small votive candle, which is lit.
  • A long table near the front holds finger foods and two large bowls of punch.
  • Teachers are wandering the room, allowing nothing inappropriate.
Tanner leads Bonnie into the gym, holding her hand like a pro. He's wearing what could best be described as a hipster homecoming outfit. He's wearing black skinny slacks and a puffy white button up shirt. There's a bright navy blue wool vest over the shirt, buttoned up tight, and at his neck is a navy blue bow tie. He looks around, grinning. "What up, homecoming bitches!" he says with a laugh.

Having no real brief for the theme it isn't that unusual perhaps that a Madonna look-alike dressed a la the Like a Virgin video appears with a cloaked Phantom of the night. Amelia peers out from behind her white lace demi-mask, her crisp English accent a give away for those lucky (at least in her view) to have met the new girl this last week, "I am so taking photos and tweeting them. This is like being in a teen movie." Smirking she turns her head to the boy next to her, "Please tell me some horribly awkward stories about people, especially if they're naughty." The body language between them is familiar but not to the point of hand holding, more buddy buddy.

Bonnie shakes her head, smiling as she makes her way in with Tanner. She's looking around as well, her eyes up to the stage. "There's the execution block." She says with a sigh.. "But I promised, I'll enjoy myself." She says, taking another look at Tanner.. "Lemme guess.. Prom wear will be shorts and sandals?" A small crowd has already gathered, the party yet to really start, but then how can it before Tanner arrives!

There is a chuckle from the Phantom-esque man. The mask covering only half the face but being in silver and with a golden rim. The dark clothing with the black cloak finishing the look. Grinning at the Madonna lookalike. "Well, there are some I am sure. Not sure if I'll be able to mention them all." He suggests, giving her a nudge. From down the front of her white bustier Madonna retrieves her phone. "Lameness. I expect a tell all expose. But first a selfie." Lifting up her phone she brings up the camera and snaps a photo of the pair of them. Hash tagged and loaded up she gives him a nudge right back. "So who's who around this place?" Beginning with Tanner and Bonnie she nods in their direction, "Who's the White-afarian and his arm candy?"

Tanner shrugs, "Honestly? I didn't really believe you would do the masquerade thing, and I didn't wanna be in costume if you weren't." He shrugs, "Sorry." And then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pair of large, white plastic rim sunglasses that are only hip because he's wearing them like they're awesome. "Here, it's like my mask." He grins, and then looks at Bonnie, "So we're doing Prom together, too? Awesome." He laughs.

A little after the start of the homecoming dance, Donovan and Ellis arrive in the gym. Donovan is dressed in a navy blue suit (http://cdn100.iofferphoto.com/img3/item/522/150/990/hot-men-s-shining-navy-blue-prom-dresses-slim-suits-s54-5d1b.jpg) and a custom-made mask (http://daemons.wdfiles.com/local--files/start/masks.jpg) which Ellis has a matching mask. Donovan's right hand is still bandaged, but it doesn't seem to be detracting from him. He scans the area for a few moments before he leads Ellis to a table before he heads to get them some punch and something to snack on.

Bonnie laughs as the shades are taken out, but then takes on a look of dread. "Whoa, slow your roll, sailor. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. You didn't buy the season pass to this game." She says, as she looks around. She's wearing a navy blue mermaid dress with lace and beading and a tulle skirt at the bottom that makes it look more like feathers. She wears a black lacy mask while her red hair is done up, a long ponytail trailing over the front of her right shoulder. "Maybe we should get something to drink? Maybe try to guess who else is here?"

Behind her demi-mask Amelia pulls face as her uploaded photo gets an instantaneous reaction. "Bugger. I had best go deal with this." She dots a kiss on the exposed half of the Phantom's face. "Catch up later, yeah?" Without waiting for an answer, seemingly because she is certain of it the Madonna look-a-like makes her way out of the dance rather than further into it, already putting phone to ear as she makes an international phone call. "Mum..."

There is a chuckle from said Phantom. "Go. I'll see you later." Gildart offers with a small grin. Offering a brief kiss in return on her cheek. Turning to look around the area. "Hey." He finally offers to Tanner and Bonnie, not having gotten to introduce the leaving one to them though.

Ellis wears a cocktail length dress, white with beads of both black and white which become more prominent in the lower section of the torso before feathering out again into the skirt which is covered in a soft layer of black organza. The blonde takes a seat once Donovan finds them a table letting him fetch them both a drink. Dancing will come later.

Tanner laughs, "Yeah, something to drink then." He grins. He's wearing what could best be described as a hipster homecoming outfit. He's wearing black skinny slacks and a puffy white button up shirt. There's a bright navy blue wool vest over the shirt, buttoned up tight, and at his neck is a navy blue bow tie. He holds Bonnie's hand and is leading her to where the punch bowl is. As Gildart approaches them and offers the greeting, Tanner looks at the other kid. "Gildart. My man! Wassup! You killed it at the game, yo!"

Though there are many people present, the ones of import are off doing their own thing. Gildart, dressed as a phantom, is chatting up with Tanner and Bonnie, his date having left the gym. Donovan is off at the punch table, getting a couple of glasses and snacks for him and Ellis who sits at one of the tables. Once he's finished, Donovan returns to the table, setting down the drinks and plates of snacks. "Here you go." He offers, sitting down at the table before he looks around the room. "I wonder where Kelly's run off to." He muses aloud.

Bonnie waves to Art as he makes his way over. "Hey, yeah. You guys did great and stuff.." Not that Bonnie follows the football here, like, at all. That's what the rest of the sheep do. "Who was the blonde you were with?" She looks around and grabs herself a cup of the punch, hopefully early enough before someone's gone and spiked it. She listens to the music being played by the DJ. Typical Pop 40 dance music. Not her style, but she dances to different music on a daily basis. Tonight can be an exception. "I hope the other girls show up...."

Gildart chuckles a bit to them, "Thanks. It was a good game. Didn't know you both kept up with the games though." He offers with a smirk. Shrugging a bit about the blonde. "A friend of mine." He explains, short and to the point. "Enjoying yourselves?"

Tanner smiles, watching Bonnie fix her drink. He reaches into his pocket and removes a flask, looking around to make sure the teachers aren't watching. "You sure you don't wanna wait on that?" he asks her. Either way, he begins dumping the flask into the punch bowl. When it's nearly all in, he then finishes up the last of the flask with a quick drink, and an, "Ahhh." He shoves the flask back in his vest, and laughs, "I keep up with it, because the party is always better when you win, buddy," he says to Gildart.

Bonnie rolls her eyes at Tanner's antics. "I'm sure." She turns and walks away, looking for the seated section. "Looks like I'll be sticking with water the rest of the night." She mutters as the two boys continue to brag on.

The guardians at the door are doing their jobs, and doing it well. It takes Kelly two tries to get past the door. Once to get tugged back the collar by Mrs. Perkins, and a second to get hounded by another teacher who insists on having him blow in her face. He does so, of course, and he's eventually allowed entrance. Again.

Whoa is high school idea of elegance.

He eyes it, his eyes rolling upward toward the lights before he sighs. Already he's lost his jacket, his shirts managed itself mostly untucked, and his tie has been loosened to the point of barely holding on. Then again, it's a simple black suite and a pair of converse sneakers...it doesn't take much to 'wear it down'.

He hangs near the door, his attention swinging back as he awaits his date, though he does send a wave toward Donovan.

Kaicee is wearing black, as usual, but what's different is the style of dress. Dressed in the requisite 'little black dress' the thin faux diamond studded straps on her shoulders complementing her skin tone, the top tight against her curves while preserving a modicum of modesty. It falls into a soft flow of fabric to her mid-thigh and she's wearing silver strappy heels with matching faux diamond studded strap across the toes of each foot. There's a small slit in the dress on each side showcasing legs covered in sheer black stockings. Onyx earrings dot each earlobe, both set in a silver casing. A chunky silver necklace with onyx accents adorns her neck. Certainly different than her usual. She walks in and reaches for Kelly's arm, offering him a hesitant smile. "Do I look stupid?" It was her mothers dress once upon a time.

Tanner gets a big cup of the punch, and then looks after Bonnie, "The water's good too!" he shouts to her. With a sigh, he shrugs, "She liked the Jello shots." With that, he winks at Gildart and then hurries after Bonnie. "Hey, Bonnie Bee, wait up!" Smiling widely at her, "You totally wanna dance with still, right?"

Donny makes his way into the gym, hand-in-hand with Jena, instead of the traditional arm-in-arm that most seem to be adopting. "Here we are, Your Majesty." He says, taking a glance around. His hair is neatly trimmed, close to the head while he is wearing a champagne-colored suit. Suit jacket over an ivory shirt with a red bow tie. Pleated slacks lead down to a pair of polished champagne colored leather uppers. "Would you care for a drink first, or did you wish to greet your subjects?"

Bonnie turns and smiles at Tanner. "Seeing as it is a dance, then yes.. I'm still looking to dance. I just didn't want to harsh your socializing, that's all." She smiles and sips from her cup. She takes another look around the room as others seem to be making their way in.

Gildart chuckles and ahs, "I see. That's good then." As for the spiked punch, he smirks. "Seem you beat us to it." He teases and grins. Letting Bonnie move to take a seat. Sighing. "Go spend time with your date." He offers. Looking around. Donovan and Ellis will get a wave of his hand if they look over. As Kelly and Kaicee come he does turn to smile at them. Bowing to them. That silver and gold mask reflecting the light nicely.

Taking his chance to do two things Dash is around in green clothing and a mask. Even a hat. Clearly Green Hornet inspired, just because he's able to. It's hard to tell if he arrived alone or not. Studying the people almost creepily as he grins. Moving around. Taking some of the punch, without knowing of it being spiked.

It would seem that despite his protestations, Shane did decide to show up. It wasn't so much Kelly's or Gildart's decrees that he would go, but his foster-mother's not so subtle hint of hanging a rented tux on his door and telling him to go. If that wasn't enough, she then pointed out the the younger children were also gone and for the night at a sleep over, so it was going to be date night for his foster parents - that was enough to get him out of the house. But perhaps it might have been something or rather someone else, as he walks in, dressed in a classic black tux, with a golden cat-shaped masquerade mask, ala Romeo's mask from the Zeffirelli Romeo & Juliet, in his hand. He pauses looking around, as if searching for someone, before strolling a little further into the gym and eventually near the refreshments.

Kelly chuckles as he reaches for her waist, "No." he allows easily, "You don't look stupid at all. You look...really really nice." He decides. He reaches to pull her mask down over her eyes. A small, delicate splash of black beads and feathers. A gift just for her. "I like it." His own mask, ridiculously simple and black, remains pushed up on his head, though he does laugh as Art catches his attention. "God..this is right up his alley, isn't it?" OMG..he wasn't even mean!

Jena blushes as she looks up at Donny, her hand enclosed with his, her dress matching his, a sparkly necklace and earrings with matching heels. She indeed looks like a princess. "Oh sure, Your Majesty. I am sure we could use a drink before meeting the masses."

Donovan glances towards Kelly and Kaicee as they arrive, offering a wave in return before he spots Gildart. He eyes him for a moment before he returns his attention back to Ellis, chuckling. "Well, I guess they actually let Kelly in." He says simply, teasing his friend even though he can't hear it. He takes a drink from the punch, an eyebrow raising under his mask. "This punch tastes interesting..."

Donny chuckles. "Ah, you compliment me too much, M'Lady. You're the Queen tonight. I'm just the humble servant." He says as he leads Jena over to the punch table. He spies Kelly and Kaicee and sends a wave in their direction, though the crowd of people seems to be getting thicker and thicker.

"Yeah?" Kaicee smiles as he places the mask over her face and she watches him out the cutouts. She slips her arm around his waist, slipping her thumb into one of the loops there. "Thank you and I think you look incredibly gorgeous in your suit." Looking over at Art, she lifts a hand and waves. "So, dancing with me, Kelly?" Kaicee just then notices Donavan also, and Ellis beside him, and waves to them both.

"Thanks," Ellis says, reaching for the glass of punch offered her way as Donovan returns to the table. She turns a glance over her shoulder towards Kelly and Kaicee at mention of the former, "Its not that much of a surprise," she comments back. Well maybe a little, but she is glad to see the pair.

Gildart moves closer towards Kaicee and Kelly. "You both are looking great." He offers. Looking around the area a bit. Though he won't keep in their way too long. Just wandering a bit if people are moving around too much.

The tasty punch does have Dash staying there, continuing to drink quite a bit. "This is freaking tasty." Hard to tell if he knows it's spiked or not. Most likely he has figured it off. But he's still enjoying it quite a bit from the look of things.

Donovan nods his head in response to Ellis' comment towards Kelly and Kaicee. "Yeah, me too. I don't feel like we're the loners when they're here." He admits, looking back to Ellis. "Though if they weren't here, the company I've got now would be better than anything this night could offer." He offers with a smile and a wink before he takes up some more of that punch.

Tanner shrugs at Bonnie, "You aren't hampering my socializing, doll." He grins, "Heck, frankly? Having a beautiful thing like you on my arm does me favors." He sits beside her, taking a drink of his punch. "Tell me something? Why don't you like this stuff?" He gestures at her dress, "It suits you. You look awesome."

Shane glances around one last time before he slides the cat mask over the upper half of his face. He walks over to Kelly, patting him on the shoulder as he approaches, "Dude, you so owe me one for coming to this thing." He looks over at Kaicee offering a slightly wide, "Hey, Kaicee... " He glances back at Kelly with an impish grin, before turning back to Kaicee, "I hope he realizes how lucky he is..."

"Me? Oh, but you are much more than a mere servant, besides if I am the Queen, I can grant you any title, can I not? Your Majesty, would you honor me with a dance after the drinks?" Jena laughs, before looking at the others she knows, Art, Ellis and Donovan, Shane, Kelly, Tanner, Bonnie? everyone gets a wave.

Bonnie sighs and thinks, taking the chance to open up and hopefully get Tanner to see things from her point of view. "I like the dress. You don't look too bad yourself. It's just.. the pageantry. It's all fake. Look at the faces on everyone here. It's all masks.. Especially the ones *behind* the masks. No one really wants to be here. It's all peer pressure to be here and to be seen." She takes another sip from her punch. "Again, it's just another way for the school administration to keep us complacent. Why, you ask? Who's here, visiting? Who goes to the Homecoming games? Alumni. Rich alumni. Alumni that the school wants money from. If we sit here and behave and drink the Kool-Aid, then they can say how good of a job they're doing keeping us off the pipe and the pole. It's all one big scheme." She sighs, shaking her head. "I understand if you don't get it. You're the walking party." She smiles. "Well, I hope these favors you're getting with me as your eye candy are worth my ranting."

"Thank you, Art. You look all.. mysterious." Kaicee tells him with a half smile. As Shane approaches, green eyes peer out from behind the mask. "Hi Shane. What does Kel owe you?" Her lips curve into a lopsided smile at the compliment. "Well, thank you, Shane." She glances back up at Kelly then back to Shane. "He was supposed to get a picture with me to prove he came, so we're going to the room where the photographers are set up. I'll see you later though, okay?" Donovan has disconnected.

Donny blushes and gets a cup of punch for Jena before grabbing his own. "You give me too much credit." He smiles, handing the cup over. He chuckles slightly, letting the facade drop while still wearing his mask. "You look great. This isn't my kind of thing typically but.." He shrugs. "I couldn't pass this chance up. I mean, this is our first real date." He says.. "Now I just have to find something better to follow up with." He says before raising his glass in a toast to the girl.

Gildart chuckles, "Mysterious?" He offers to Kaicee. Turning to nod to Shane as well. "Hey there, good to see you around." He offers to the guy before looking to Kelly. "I almost think you'll find all of this homecoming talk." He offers with a chuckle.

Kelly grins widely toward Shane as he approaches, his shoulders rolling into a small shrug before he sighs. "Dude...." HOW! "Elle..is a catch." He drones out at Shane. "A date that wants /nothing/...I mean, I win the jackpot of course." He teases over toward Kaicee. "We have to talk later." He decides with a grin toward his friend, though Kaicee distracts him quickly, and he nods. "As the lady said..off to pose like a boss." Or..something. "Later."

Tanner watches Bonnie carefully. He may seem spacey, but he does seem to be listening to her with interest. He gives her a gentle smile, and he removes his sunglasses for a moment. "Bonnie. I really want to be here. With you." He shrugs a little, "Join my party tonight. One night." He smiles, "If you're able to come to this giant bullshit pageant and still make it your own, having a good time and enjoying yourself... Well, that says more about you than it does about the establishment." He puts the sunglasses back on, and then adds with a smile, "Dude."

Bonnie smiles and punches Tanner in the arm lightly. "And *that's* why I came. I knew there was something more underneath all that hair." She smiles. "I wouldn't have come if I didn't plan on having a good time. I just.." She shrugs and looks to the stage. "I'm afraid they're gonna call my name... Isabelle's got it in the bag, but..." She shrugs. "Anyways, I'm worrying for nothing." She stands and offers a hand to Tanner. "Dance?"

Shane nods to Kaicee, "Yeah, make sure that some of the rest of us gets a copy of it so that we can lord it over him later." He chuckles, "Later, guys." He looks to Gildart, "I couldn't have disappointed you by refusing your royal demand of my attendance." He chuckles slightly as he shakes his head. His eyes glance towards the doorway, "Well, I think I'll see how good the punch is..."

Tanner smirks, "Wait. What's wrong with my hair?" He smiles widely, and then he takes her hand. "I totally voted for you. Don't hate me if you win." He begins to walk with her to the dance floor. "Though, I bet Isabelle has it too." He shrugs, "Her loss, right?" He takes her other hand, and then begins to dance, something this partying kid does actually seem to know how to do.

Kaicee looks back and laughs. "Mysterious. Decidedly yes!" A response to Art, then to Shane. "I'll see that you get a copy, Shane." She wiggles her fingers in a quick wave before following Kelly out.

Jena accepts the punch and remains standing near Donny, a warm smile curving her lips. "Thank you, but I think you look pretty dashing yourself." As he mentions it being their first date, she nods, reaching for his hand again. "You know even a walk through town would be fun. We don't have to top it." She lifts her own cup. "To first dates then," she murmurs.

Bonnie shrugs. "If I win, I know what I'll say, which in turn guarantees that I won't win." She smiles as she's dancing to some fast song with Tanner as the dance floor begins to populate more. "Not bad." She says, by way of gauging Tanner's moves. "You really are a walking party. And there's nothing wrong with your hair."

Donny smiles and takes a sip of the punch. After recognizing the taste, he sighs and rolls his eyes. "Seriously? Is this, like, the only high school that needs a Betty Ford built-in? What the hell?" He shakes his head and puts the cup down. He smiles and reaches for Jena's hand. "Shall we dance?"

Shane smirks slightly and nods to Kaicee about getting a copy of it. He walks over to the punch, giving Dash a nod and a casual, "Hey... " He pours himself a glass of punch. He takes a sip of it, then pauses. "Huh..."

Jena sips from the cup but doesn't really seem disappointed by the taste. "It's homecoming, Donny." She puts hers aside also though at the offer of the dance. "I thought you'd never ask. Too bad the song isn't slow, but I can dance either way."

Anyone who saw Tabitha during the spirit days, or, really, anyone who spends any time with her at all knew the work she was putting into her homecoming costume, but still, the effect is pretty striking. The tuxedo tails and gold pinstriped vest with the accordion clips, the trousers and holster strapped around her hips and left thigh mix with her tall, rather shapeless form to make her look more masculine than not. Then overlay the steampunk gasmask and one-eyed goggle she's wearing and she's pretty much unrecognizable to anyone who didn't already know she was planning this whole get-up. She seems to find some confidence in her mask-enabled anonymity, strolling with a gentleman's gait past a line of people who more than likely are all staring at her like she's brain-damaged or something.

Tanner smiles as he dances with Bonnie. "I think the walking party thing is a compliment, right?" He shrugs, "It should be, anyway." He spins Bonnie around, "My Pops is kind of a walking party. I take after him, I guess." A few more turns and the song comes to an end. "Promise me, if you don't win, you'll still lemme hear your screw you swan song speech?

Bonnie smiles as the song comes to an end. "It is supposed to be a compliment. Parties aren't bad things." She nods and listens as Tanner explains. "I.. I guess so." She looks to the door and has to look twice. "TAB!! OhmygodyoulookAMAZING!!"

Donny smiles and dances with Jena for the short time before the song ends. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time for me to embarrass myself with a slow song." He says, and right on cue, one starts. "See?" He moves to take Jena in his arms and starts to move. As he hears Bonnie squeal, he looks over to find his lab partner. "Wow.." He says.. "She did it." He chuckles and waves to Tabitha as he dances.

Tabitha hears her name and twists her neck, looking with the one eye that's uncovered by the dark red glass. All other expression beyond a faint twitch of an eyebrow are hidden, and even that's more or less obscured beneath the brim of her top hat. She changes course, moving easily for Bonnie and Tanner, tilting her head toward the latter in an inquisitive fashion, emoting a question that would probably be hard to understand from underneath her gas mask even if there weren't a new song starting up. She holds out one hand toward Bonnie, as well. Asking permission from her date to cut in for a dance, possibly?

Tanner laughs, "You look SO totally awesome, Tabs," he offers as she approaches. He looks at Bonnie, "Have fun," and he nods at Tabitha then, waving her into his dancing position. "She's all yours, Darth Steampunk." And he heads off to the punch bowl for seconds.

Bonnie chuckles and blushes as Tanner walks away. She looks to Tabitha and puts on a fake Southern accent. "Why, gentle stranger, I just don't know *what* I've done to deserve this honor." She says, as she wraps her arms around Tabitha and slow dances. She smiles. "lemme know if you feel like turning into a pumpkin. We can get you home safe." She says, speaking of Tabitha's condition.

Tabitha's shoulders hunch upward briefly, not really a shrug; one could imagine there's some sort of squeeing noise going on underneath her mask, her one visible eye squeezing nearly shut at Tanner as he lets her cut in. She seems to have an affinity for the music, moving easily with it, setting one hand on Bonnie's hip and holding her gently while she drapes her arms around her, moving her through some simple but effective figures of dance, drawing on her years of dance experience to lead her partner through some easy stuff even if Bonnie's not that ept at it (which she might well be, for all Tabitha knows). She bobs her head slowly in acknowledgement of the offer, but she seems wakeful enough.

Tanner hangs out at the punch bowl, downing a few glasses as he watches Tabitha and Bonnie dance. He's starting to feel pretty good, and begins pouring glasses for people.

Bonnie nearly squeals with a chuckle. She dances ok, but she's not trained in any way, shape or form. "Keep this up, Stranger.." The girl says with a smirk... "And we're gonna have to peel off these layers to see what's at the core." She says with a wink, staring into Tabitha's 'eye'. She then leans in and whispers something in a serious manner to Tabitha as the dance comes to an end. She takes the girl by the hand and bounds towards Tanner at the punch bowl.

You whisper "Stay away from the punch. It won't work with your meds. Tanner's done something to it." to Tabitha.

Tabitha's steampunk alter ego has a bit of the flirt about him... her... whatever. One long set of free eyelashes flutter girlishly at Bonnie even as the wiry, strong arms of a gymnast and dancer cradle the small of Bonnie's back and giving her a graceful dip in time with the music. When she draws Bonnie upright again, dancing close and listening to the whisper, her bare eye registering understanding, but then tapping on the gas mask that's strapped with buckles behind her neck and up behind her head with a playful glint in her eye. She couldn't really drink the punch even if she was thirsty, without coming out from hiding. Then she's prancing along after Bonnie, holding hands with her happily.