Log:Cross-Cootie Contamination

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Stuart Mitchell Bonnie BoydAmelia Lancastle-SmythKelly Black
Lunchroom Conversation that even Kelly can't resist!
Cafeteria: NSH

The tan walls, striped with a single, wide band of red set the mood for the cafeteria perfectly. It's like being back in the 70's, when the cafeteria was first installed and hasn't been updated since.

  • Row after row of folding tables with attached benches mark the area.
  • A service window and tray receptacle stand on the western wall.
  • Industrial Fluorescent Lighting fixtures are set into the drop ceiling.
  • White with red flecked linoleum flooring stretch the room.
Bonnie sits in the cafeteria proper, deciding to avoid going outside for the time being. She takes her lunchbox out and neatly places the contents on the table,deciding which organic delicacy is going to be attacked first.

Amelia sips water from the bottle she is carrying as she looks around at the crowded cafeteria, a smirk playing about her lips. Amusement lifts her spirits after English and has her hunting for a space to sit. "Mind if I join you," she inquires of Bonnie, coming to a stop at the edge of the girl's table.

Bonnie looks up at the source of that oh-so-interesting voice. "By all means, be my guest." She says, with a warm inviting smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Pond?" She asks, as she holds up a long, shredded orange stick. "Carrot?" she offers.

"Pond?" The joke is completely lost on the girl. "Thank you," she accepts the carrot as she lowers herself onto the seat. "I love these with hummus." The water bottle is put down and the carrot put between Amelia's teeth like a cigarillo in a spaghetti western so that she can dig her lunch out of her book bag. "I remembered you from the dance, it's Bonnie, right? You were Tabitha's friend." She looks around again and with a laugh asks, "Is it always like this? Like some kind of lunchtime episode of Glee?" Using her chin she indicates different groups clustered around tables in distinctive tribes, "The jocks, the emos, the gangsta rappers?"

"All of whom live in /your/ gated community." Enter Kelly, and his hoodie.

It's COLD.

"Hey Bonnie." Kelly greets, though he doesn't sit for the moment. He's far too preoccupied watching the room, or looking for someone. Who he doesn't say. "Sup?"

Bonnie nods. "Hummus is good, but be careful. Processing plants are the devil and don't even get me going on GMO's." She says, as she grabs her sandwich. "Yeah, I was at the Homecoming with Tanner, though it felt like I spent most of the night with Tab." She says, with a smile, and not looking like she regretted it at all. She takes a glance around the room. "Well, Glee is supposed to be based on high school, even if all the actors are in their 30's. You do have your disparate groups. Your skater types, your neo-pagan earth worshipers, your neo-maxi-zoom-dweebies..." She shrugs. "And then you have your groups of non-conformists all conforming to each other..." She looks up as Kelly walks in and nods in greeting. "And then you have Mr. Black. A large group of one."

"It's mine is it? All mine. Just belonging to little old me?" Amelia smirks at Kelly. "Didn't it used to be /your/ gated community too? Aren't I living in your old house?" Since he didn't greet her she doesn't offer him one but nods in agreement with Bonnie. "So very true. I was surprised more organic things aren't readily available here. It is everywhere back home." Her own lunch consists of an insulated bento box which actually holds a type of curry in one layer and rice in the other. "It does remind me of a TV show and I find myself laughing several times a day." As she lifts up her fork, also from home, she asks, "Are you going to join us Kel or just hover like a brooding malevolent force of nature?"

Kelly laughs, sinking into a seat net the girls. "Yes, it /was/ my house." He chuckles, his attention shifting toward the girls lunches before his eyes drift toward the tray of a near by nobody. The end result is a frown, "Ew." He decides simply, slumping against the tabletop seconds later.

Bonnie shrugs. "Don't know what you're talking about with 'gated community'. I live in Lantern Square, with the masses. I don't believe in Ivory Towers." She smiles proud of herself, if only half-joking. "It's America. Everything comes down to money. Organics are more expensive to get, so you have to seek them out if you really want them." She pushes a plate of carrots and celery in Kelly's direction. She opens up a bottle of water. "You'll just get the munchies and hit the deli later." She smiles. "Looking for Kaicee, or someone else?" She asks Kelly. Yes... She does have something to say about everything.

Kelly snorts, "I ate in detention." He returns toward the redhead. "And ya know, I'd love to see Kaicee, but she appears to be preoccupied with whatever she's been doing for the past three days to bother saying hi." Nice Bonnie. Great button to hit today. "If you see her kindly ask her to climb out of Art's ass long enough to touch base, yeah? And then you can crawl back up Tanners and get out of my business."

There seems to be more to Amelia's lunch because she is also pulling out a pot of homemade yogurt and an apple. "Ever had Japanese curry?" The question is thrown out there for both of them. When Kelly starts to be an arse Amelia doesn't even hesitate to shove her apple in his mouth. "Eat something. It might make you nicer, at least nicer to Bonnie." She resumes eating her curry, mixing up the sauce with the rice and occasionally drinking some of her water. "Wealthy people don't live like that in Britain. Most people just have houses near other people. Or live out in villages. Like in London, you can go down one street and the houses cost three or four million, but walk five minutes or so and you're in a neighbourhood where the houses cost a few hundred thousand. It feels weird living like we do here. It takes ages to walk anywhere and there's no bus stops nearby either."

Bonnie can't help but smirk at Kelly's grumpiness. She reaches over and attempts a soft punch to Kelly's shoulder. "Don't be a dick. I didn't know you were having marital issues.." She can't help but snicker a bit. "And Tanner was my date to Homecoming. It's not like we're joined at the pelvis... Sheesh.. If you're that angry, you can always go after Art the way Donovan did. It seemed to work for him.." Another giggle. She turns to Amelia.. "I have, before, but it's tough to come by. Mom and... some guy... took me to this little place in Sonoma. It was amazing." She listens to Amelia's summation of London urban planning. "Interesting. I've heard a lot about Primrose Hill." She shakes her head. "Public transpo is for the birds here. It's why Mom got me Pinky."

Kelly emits a small growl toward both girls, but the apple does help in distracting him. At least it silences him for the time being. Bonnie's words perhaps help, but his response is a brooding, silent glare as he crunches the apple....just the way Eti hates the most.

Everyone needs a perfect Austin impression after all!

"It is hell to have a car in London, pointless really. Everybody uses public transport. Bus. Tube. River commuter boats. Trains." It is no wonder she can't drive. "Isn't Tanner a year younger? I'm a bit confused by who is who and who's how old." Amelia glances over at Kelly and smirks, "Got a bit of apple juice dribbling down your chin, Kel. Looks well hot."

Bonnie just chuckles and watches Kell brood. She turns to Amelia. "Well, Lantern Hill is too small for all that. We have the one taxi company and the local bus with, like, two routes or something. I don't have a car, though. I have a '69 Vespa." She nods, as if that's supposed to award her all the street cred in the world. "Tanner's younger, yeah. He's a cool enough guy, except for the fact that he can't take anything seriously. Fun once in awhile is great, but..." She shrugs.. "You can't live your entire life like that." She looks to Kelly after Amelia's words and chuckles. "Go ahead and lick it off for him. I would think of it, but... yeah.. He and I in the same time and space is miracle enough.. Touching each other? Could end the bloody universe." She says, with humor.

Kelly emits a small chuckle, though it's low. Brooding takes a lot of focus, after all. Then again the girls are a force as well, and they crack hid demeanor without much effect. His head drops a bit, likely to hide his grin before he reaches to drop the apple back into her fancy little box. "There's something wrong with both of you." He decides gruffly, grinning despite his tone.

"The world could end you say?" Amelia pretends to be considering the ramifications of this. "Well, that would be unfair. We wouldn't want poor Kelly to die a virgin. Think of how much womankind will be missing out on?" She eyes the apple which got put into her bento box, and then leans over to accept Bonnie's challenge and blatantly lick Kelly's chin. "Tart." As if nothing happened, nothing at all she twists the top off her pot of yogurt only to realize, "I've no bloody spoon."

Bonnie laughs loudly.. "Black, a virgin? And I'm the Queen Mary.." She smirks, head tilted at Amelia as she takes the challenge. She laughs at Kelly. "And you love it. If Ame and I started making out right now, you'd have a giant grin-on..." She smirks... "Amongst other things." She turns to Amelia, and can't think of anything suggestive to offer instead of a spoon. "Here." She grabs a clean one out of her bag. "Use mine. We're both girls, so we don't have to worry about cross-cootie contamination."

Kelly laughs, apparently done with his brooding for the moment. He seems to think the idea of his virginity is just as amusing, though he also seems amused at something else Bonnie says. "Actually Bonnie, that doesn't do much for me." He points out toward the idea of the two girls. "In fact it's kinda no fun for me at all, so I'd probably get bored and leave." True story.

Stuart has arrived. Stuart has joined this room.

Clearly Amelia licking his chin does nothing for him either. She sips her water. "I guess we should save the lezzer road show for someone else Bonnie," says the British girl. With the spoon Bonnie had given her she starts to eat her yoghurt. "So what's this Doug guy like? I have seen him around but not met him."

Bonnie awwws at Kelly. "Spoilsport." She sits at a table in the crowded cafeteria with Amelia and Kelly. She's just about finished and begins cleaning her stuff up. She shrugs to Amelia. "We don't need to have an audience." She says, with a playful wink. At the mention of Doug, she shrugs. "He's kinda elitist, but everyone seems to love him. I don't dig the whole 'better then you' vibe, but his parties are pretty fun. Plenty of beer and it's a good place to meet people. Tanner had jello shots by the hot tub last month."

Kelly laughs, though his hand does disappear under the table a few seconds later as he leans toward Amelia. "Doug..he's a cool enough guy." He decides. "I appreciate his home even if it's so far out of town that I risk driving off a damn cliff every time I tempt fate getting home...but I guess that's part of the deal." As Bonnie recalls the last party, his expression shifts for a moment, from amused to smugly amused. "He had jello shots and I had drama. Typical." Really, really typical.

Stuart sets a tray of food down at the end of their table, swinging a leg over the seat and sliding his bag from his shoulder to the floor. "Well, hello, ladies," he greets, turning on his most schmoozy charm, brows waggling. "Don't let me interrupt. Unless you're waiting for me to join in, of course, in which case... give me five minutes to finish my lunch first."

"Jello shots? Oh jelly." Amelia nods, more to herself than anything. She glances at Kelly, "You have a lot of drama, Kel. You should think about a drama detox. I'm sure somewhere in California there is a clinic for that." She eats a little more yoghurt and nods to Bonnie, "That Tanner sounds like he knows how to have fun. You should stick with him, teach him a few things." The blonde girl gives Stuart an amused look as she eats her lunch.

Bonnie stands, preparing to leave. She slides her bag over her shoulder. "Black, you bring drama, Tanner brings Party. That's the only difference between the two of you... oh... and the hair." When Stuart addresses the group, she turns slowly with a raised brow. She fails miserably at hiding a look of disdain for the boy before turning to Amelia with a chuckle. "He'd probably like that too much. I could teach him lots of things.. Things that would straighten out his hair." She winks. "I could... show you... sometime.." She says in a breathy, over-the-top attempt to be humorous and not all at the same time. "I need to get going. I'll grab ya later." She says, before waving and heading off.