Log:The Annual Mile

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Amelia Lancastle-Smyth Gildart Dunmore
It is time for the annual mile in PE and Amelia and Gildart run together.
The football field and the track are the pride and joy of the athletic departments outdoor facilities. The football field itself from the stands looks perfectly flat. However if one were to look closer they would notice that its slightly sloped down from a rounded hump down the middle of the field to help water and snow drainage. The grass is a hardy thick species, colored a deep rich green. During the football season the yard lines are painted in white with navy blue Hash marks. The yard numbers painted in a black, outlined thickly with white to make them more visible.
Amelia is not one to shirk off hard work, unless she hates the subject or dislikes the teacher. Physical education is not something she hates and the teachers, both male and female seem easy enough to get along with provided you have a sense of humour and no athelete's foot. Today is cool enough to do the annual 'everystudent must run a mile' fitness test and warm enough to keep them from freezing while doing it. Amelia has her hair pulled back out of the way. Dressed in gear that looks like it actually is used for running, she is a bit more enthusiastic than the natives. Standing near the starting line she is stretching, bringing the heel of her foot up to her backside then swapping and doing the same with her other foot. A fair few of the others are moaning, year after year they have had to do this test and hate it. Some aren't even in PE clothes but their normal ones.

It would not be odd for Gildart to be in his own work out gear. When all one does is run it does become second nature. Doing a bit of stretching of his own as well as jogging a bit to keep warm and loosen up. Spotting Amelia he does jog on over to her side with a bit of a grin. "Excited?"

Turning towards him Amelia grins, "A bit. I used to love running." Which Gildart likely knows. Leaning over Amelia touches her hands to the track on either side of her feet and slowly rises again. "Want to run with me? I might be a bit slow. I haven't really done much since being here."

Gildart grins and nod, knowing fully well. "It's a good thing you get to now then." He offers with a smirk given to her. As for her question he offers a fake sigh and a clearly faked, "Fine." Then his grin is back. "Can be fun. They know quite well how I manage what with practice and whatnot." He assures her, in case she was worrying about him getting a bad time.

Throwing her arms around him Amelia gives Gildart's cheek a loud smacking kiss, earning them both a few wolf whistles. Rolling her eyes she looks behind her, uncertain of who the taunting came from her, "Shut it," is thrown out generally. Lowering her arms she gets ready as the female of the two PE teachers tells the students to do just that. A moment later and the whistle goes telling them to start running.

Gildart chuckles and offers a cheek kiss in return before laughing a bit at the whistles. "They're jealous." He teases before getting ready himself. Waiting for the signal. As it comes he will take off though making sure to keep the same pace as Amelia.

"Of course they are. I'm hot." Amelia does not lack in self-esteem, never has. She takes her time building up to a steady pace as she runs with Gildart, hitting her stride around the second turn and enabling them to speed up a bit. This isn't a sprint so she's not rushing headlong into the breech, but easing into the even lope of someone used to running distances. "How are things with you?" A little breathy, she is still easy to understand and able to communicate.

Gildart chuckles and nods, "Indeed! Unfortunately the gals are quiter. Else they would had been heard as well." He offers with a grin, just as confident. "Things are great, I suppose. Rather calm times. How about you?" He asks. Used to running, even if his stamina isn't the best. It's still quite good. Easy enough to understand his speech still.

Keeping her arms in close to her body, she runs beside him. "Things are good," Amelia says with a faint nod. "That boy I told you about, we're seeing each other now. You know my track record, I'm awful at keeping boyfriends so I keep waiting to get bored with him." She barks out an amused laugh, "But it's the damnest thing, he's not boring at all. He might be the first one to make it to two months with me."

Gildart grins and nods a bit as he keeps at her side. "It's a good thing that someone can keep you settled." He offers with a grin. "So. Do I get a name?" He asks with a smirk at her.

"Settled?" Amelia laughs at that. "I don't know if I'm settled. But I'm happier." She turns her head briefly towards Gildart, "His name is Noah. He's a year ten, I mean sophmore." Keeping up the pace she moves aside as a few people sprint past them, only to shake her head, "They are going to tire out. We've still quite a distance to go." Soon however her thoughts turn back towards the boy beside her. "Kelly Black has returned. You should be able to ask him about your car now."

Gildart ahs and nods a bit to her words, "Not sure if I've gotten to meet with him. Other than maybe walking past him in the hall." As for her being happier, not settled, he just grins and nods. As for Kelly he sighs and nods. "Yeah. Spoken with him some. Thought to find the Mayfield guy that Kelly mentioned."

"I heard there is some kind of beach run in the spring. We should sign up for it. It'd be fun." Yes, to Amelia running is fun. There is likely something wrong with her. "You know that girl Zoe I was telling you about? I met her little siter at a pep assembly last week. She's kinda cute. Rebekah is her name. Nice kid."

"Sure, why not." Gildart offers about the beach run. Not one to mind running. Though he prefers sprints. "Oh. That's cool." He offers about Rebekah. "Not trying to set me up with them all I hope?" He teases with a grin at her.

"No," laughs Amelia. "Just someone. Anyone." She gives Gildart a playful push, nothing meant to set him off his stride. "I'm trying to help you get some, Gils. Unless you picked up another wing-wo-man when I wasn't looking?"

Gildart laughs and continues. "Go ahead. You can try as much as you wish. Got none else helping. Though perhaps you should warn them. I mean I seem to have scared Lizzy off. Wasn't quite as wanting to settle as her." He offers with a shrug. He does give her an amused glance though. Giving her a challenge it seems.

"Let's get a list then. Mental for now, because well...running." Amelia licks her lips, wetting them with the tip of her tongue. "You still fancy brunettes or are you an equal opportunities man these days?" Giving him a sidelong glance she follows up that question with another for Gildart, "And are you only after a shag or do you want a girl? I mean someone to be with not marry, because hello...teenagers."

Gildart chuckles and nods about the mental list. "Sounds good." He offers along with a gently nudge. "Well, any works. I would say that I am also looking for any. Although being in an actual relation could be good for me to keep out of trouble." He offers before laughing at her last. "Indeed." Looking a bit amused though.

With a laugh she says, "Well that should open up the field then. Any type of girl might do, so long as she's single and not too stupid. I refuse to let you be with someone stupid - I don't care how big her chebs are." Amelia leans in slightly as they round one of the corners then rights herself again. "Is there a girl you fancy the look of, but can't have? Maybe we can find a look-a-like."

"Indeed it does. Makes your job easier. Though I do still need to find her interesting." He assures her with a grin. Watching as she leans in a bit, nodding to the question. "Yeah. Although wouldn't be fair to them perhaps."

Amelia rolls her eyes at that. "Well duh. Of course you need to find her interesting. You're the one who'll be sticking his tongue down her throat." With a laugh she adds, "And if you're lucky somewhere else." Looking forward she nods, sniggering as the pair that sped past them earlier are now holding their sides. "Cramps clearly. Bloody fools."

Gildart laughs at her reply. "I think my tongue is the main reason for most trouble I get into." he offers, not specifying if it is by speaking of other means. Grinning at those holding their sides and soon enough running past them, nodding his agreement. "Indeed. Not quite smart."

"That's because your European style charm is just too sophisticated for these Yanks, Gil." Amelia smirks at him. "You should go for the super play." Laughing she asks, "Do you remember Michael Tobin? The big guy, the rower. He used to swear he had a fool proof way of getting girls. Called it his Super Play."

Gildart chuckles and nods, "Ah, right, yeah. I remember him. Although I don't think I got any troubles with that. It's mostly just that I attract the wrong crowds. Or that I'm just not feeling like getting too commited. I'm picky like that." He offers with a grin. Though I could give it a try. Though that means you'll need to find a lass first." He offers with a smirk and increases his pace just a bit to tease her.

"I could find someone!" Amelia calls after him and putting on the speed quickens her pace to catch up with Gildart. This requires a bit more concentration and a consequently less talking until she gets her pace right. Poor Gildart finally gets a bit of peace and quiet - for now.

Gildart laughs as he runs. "Prove it!" He teases, turning to backpedal, which does bring down the pace just a bit. "Too quick?" He asks with a grin.

Shaking her head Amelia keeps up the faster pace, forcing him to re-adjust to his redjustment. "No, it's good. I need to push myself some more." But her breathing is a bit heavier, showing it is taking more effort. Even so Amelia is enjoying it. "I will prove it," she says breathily, nearly panting.

Gildart nods and turns to pick up the pace to run next to her again. Starting to breathe a little heavier but still able to keep up quite well. They are pushed hard during practice after all. "Good." He offers about proving it. Pushing as well as himself with the faster pace.

She keeps up the companionable silence for a good while, until there isn't much further to go. "Is there any girl you don't like? Between you and me. I won't gossip. You know I hate gossips. I just would like to know a type good or bad that you fancy or dislike these days."

Gildart ponders the questions as they come into the last part of the run, shrugging a bit. "Not that I can think of. I mean, perhaps not too geeky. While I don't mind it I just don't know if they would keep me interested. Although feel free to try. I'm not really sure. Not been any completely boring so far. Well, Bonnie might not be quite my type though." He offers with a chuckle.

"Alright, not too geeky. Someone who will keep you interested and none of those new agers like Bonnie." Amelia quiets down again as they finish off the last of their run. Once her time is called out by the teacher, along with Gildart's she slows a little, easing up into a cool down. "So, my dad and Adam," her stepfather, "want me to invite Noah to Thanksgiving only...well I'm a bit worried about it. They're a bit over the top sometimes."

Gildart chuckles and nods, "Unless they are geeky but interesting. I am sure you know me well enough by now." He offers before sprinting the last bit into the goal and nods to the teacher before taking a breather and going to Amelia again. Nodding to her about Thanksgiving. "Ah, I see. Well, perhaps you should. I am sure they can behave." He might know a bit about how her folks can be. "They are at least a bit more talkative than Pierce." He offers with a big grin.

Taking her water bottle from her bag she drinks thirstily from it. "My stepdad dressed up for Halloween as the women from ABBA. Both of them. One half the blonde and one half the brunette." Amelia looks at Gildart, "Now do you see why I'm a bit worried? Noah was shocked. He's not a homophobe, but there is gay and then there is really over the top camp."

Gildart laughs and nods, "True enough." He offers with a smirk. "PErhaps you can ask them to take it easy. Although if Noah's gonna keep around it could be well to let them be themselves. Though all up to you." He offers and nudges her again.

With a nod, Amelia says, "Yeah you're right. I need to trust him to be alright with it and if he's not, well then I will have to throw him over." She sips more water as she watches Gildart. "You can always come round if you like."

Gildart nods and smiles. "Indeed. I mean, it's bound to happen sooner or later anyhow." He offers before drinking some water as well. Nodding about coming over. "I'll think about it. But I don't know about being a fifth wheel." He offers with a chuckle. "I might come over. PRobably will spend the earlier part of the day with Pierce."

Amelia gives him a sweaty hug. "You can come by whenever you like, Gildart. You are my friend which means you're always welcome. Maybe if it is late ring first." She grins. "And if I don't answer you could always come round to see my stepbrother Roman."

Gildart grins and nods as he hugs her in return. "Worst case I'll just climb in through your window." He teases her. Though he probably would, because it would just be fun. Grinning quite wide at her. "So. Our time wasn't too bad." He offers with a smirk.

"No, not really," agrees Amelia. "If you fancy going running this weekend let me know. We can do it on Sunday sometime." She leans over and picks up her bag. "I should hit the showers. I'm having lunch with Noah. We eat in the courtyard if you ever want to find me."

Gildart grins and nods. "Sure. Would be fun to keep you company for a run. And you know where to find me if you need anything." He offers in return to her. "Gonna go shower as well. I will show up some time. I might come over for lunch, we'll see." He offers with a grin.

With a wave Amelia heads off, drinking more of her water.