Log:Witching Hour

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Tabitha Blayer Bonnie Boyd
Bonnie and Tabitha perform a ritual on Samhain and have a heart-to-heart afterwards.
Loft Apartment above Mrs. B's Apothecary
With the witching hour come and passed, the world settles into the eerie quiet between late night and early morning, and Tabitha, for once, is still awake-- more than awake-- brimming with energy, trembling with it, hands visibly shaking as she holds up a white taper candle between them, fingertips poised on the wax, the girl herself crouched on the floor, garbed in long-flowing skirts of tattered black below a silver spider-embroidered corset which manages to put a bit of a dent into the middle of her beanpole form. One still wouldn't call her voluptuous, at all, of course. She shifts the candle into one hand and pokes at the liquid wax at its top with a fingertip, coating the tip of her index finger in white.

Bonnie sits on the floor opposite Tabitha. Red hair is tied back and up in a regal bun with a string of jewels, tiara-like, comes down onto her forehead. She even went so far as to glue fake ears on. A white corset tightens up and accentuates her modest curves, while her own white skirts flowing behind her. She holds the black candle, looking the polar opposite to her partner. She smiles, wrinkling up her nose, a giggle threatening to come from the girl's form. "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

Tabitha has opted to keep her hair loose and long, its natural color, her only make-up a deadening black eyeshadow making her eyes look fairly sunken and a similar shading around her mouth, culminating in a black lipstick. "I feel like I'm going to fly away," she whispers over the candle. "Like there's all this energy inside, too much for the battery to hold." She dips her next finger into the wax, and the candle flame flares with the extra room granted to the wick.

Bonnie smiles. "Let me help you." She places her candle down into the holder and gestures for Tabitha to do the same. When she's ready, she holds her hands out. "Channel it through me... And while you're channeling, close your eyes. Breathe slowly, in and out." She keeps her voice calm and level. "When you're calm, imagine a shining golden sphere, floating."

Tabitha mirrors Bonnie's actions easily enough-- through the looking glass, as it were. Then she rolls up onto one knee to scoot closer, pressing her waxy fingertips to Bonnie's fingertips, pushing both sets of digits upward and then interlocking them to press her palms to Bonnie's. Her black eyes shut, her black lips part, and she lifts her chin, a slice of her face pushing through the curtain of her hair as she breathes slowly, her chest pressing against the front of her corset, then pulling back, leaving a little gap between the top of her corset and her chest when she breathes out.

Bonnie smiles and closes her eyes, doing the same. She imagine's her own golden sphere, pulsing with bright energy. "The sphere is you. It's the center of you. The energy is around you, about you, within you. You need to control that energy. Bring it in to the sphere. Remember to breathe." Her voice takes on a slow, meditative cadence. The feel of the girl's hands in hers is reassuring. She sends out emotions of love and reassurance to the girl. "Now imagine a ribbon coming from the ground. Any color you want. Let it wrap around the sphere, making a connection to the earth. This is your grounding. When the energy gets to be too much, send it to the earth through this connection." Bonnie imagines a silk ribbon in deep purple springing from the ground underneath the sphere, reaching up and wrapping around the sphere. Waves of energy emit down to the earth.

Tabitha lets out a breath she barely knew she'd been holding when reminded to breathe. It was as though holding her breath hostage would help her focus the energy back where it needed to go. When she breathes out, she visualizes energy pouring from her right palm into Bonnie's left palm, then, breathing in, from Bonnie's right palm into her left, channeling it sunwise in a circle about the both of them while she conjures a sphere of gold in her mind's eye, and the ribbon of black pouring down over one side of it and to the ground.

Bonnie feels the energy flowing through the both of them. "Now see me. My sphere is wrapped in royal purple. Make a connection between the two, like a conduit. Send the energy that way works, too, if we're not physically near each other." She smiles, hands still holding Tab's. "Let me know when you feel better."

Tabitha stops trembling, at least, soothed by the slow swirls of energy on the larger course she's sent it on. Her hands warm in Bonnie's hands, and she lets some of the excess spiral down into her golden sphere and absorb into the energy-drawing black, grounding and centering it in a less volatile state. "More calm," she utters, "More quiet." She eases forward just a little bit, as if she would touch her spirit to Bonnie's at a single point of intersection.

Bonnie smiles and nods, leaning forward herself. She touches foreheads with the dark girl, then opens her eyes and reaches her arms out to embrace Tabitha. She smiles, a tear streaks down her cheek. "How do you feel?"

Tabitha's dark eyelids slide open on contact of forehead to forehead, then she turns her head aside to rest her cheek on Bonnie's shoulder, wrapping her own arms around her counterpart's waist. "I feel wonderful," she murmurs somewhat dreamily, then, eyes drawn to something glistening, "Are you okay?"

Bonnie smiles and nods, wiping her face. "I just.. I haven't done this with anyone else." She smiles. "You're beautiful. I could just sit like this all night." She squeezes the girl tight... "But... I'm hungry. What about you?"

Tabitha climbs nearly onto Bonnie's lap under the force of the squeezing, cuddling in close to her. "I haven't ever done this at all. It's so amazing, though. I feel so in tune with everything," she smiles into Bonnie's neck, even gives her a little kiss there before she wriggles backward and sits on the floor again, one hand on her stomach. "Um, yeah, I could eat. I kind of feel like some ice cream."

Bonnie smiles and nods, getting up. "Ice cream works. Let's see what we have here." She starts to clean up the materials. They'd previously dispelled the circle. She places the materials in a cabinet before looking for a broom and dustpan for the salt.

Tabitha is on top of things; while Bonnie's tidying (she knows better where things go, after all), she scouts out the dustpan and broom, thus ready for Bonnie when she goes looking for them. She hands off the broom to Bonnie and kneels with the pan to collect up what Bonnie brushes. "Yeah, I don't think I'd even want ice cream if we went out for it. It's cold outside! And all the places are probably closed, anyhow." 'Cause of it being the middle of the night and all.

Bonnie smiles. "Though it would've been cool to show our asses off." She winks, taking the broom and dustpan. "Thanks, Babe." She walks over to the trash, dumping the salt and then replacing the broom and dustpan. She heads for the freezer and looks. "You didn't tell me how your MRI went?" She grabs a couple cartons, barely touched, and places them on the counter. "Is everything ok?"

Tabitha trails after Bonnie on her way to the kitchen, a breathy little giggle rushing out at the notion of displaying her buttocks to the town before she catches it in her fist. "Oh, I didn't get it, they were backed up in appointments for it, so I'm getting it done next week. The GOOD news of that being that they didn't think anything was wrong enough to bump me to the top of the list," she grins easily, as if this has indeed happened to her before. "And the even better news being that I'll probably get another early release. Have you ever gotten one?"

Bonnie blinks. "What, an early release or a MRI?" She grabs a couple bowls and a scoop. "No, I haven't had one before. I mean, I know what they are but I haven't been through one." She smiles and reaches over and wraps her arms around Tabitha in a hug. "I'm glad things look good. Let me know what happens next week, ok?" She guides the girl to the counter.

Tabitha is pretty close behind Bonnie, and she leans up against the counter, folding her arms on it and reading the labels on the ice cream tubs. "MRI," she specifies. "They're actually pretty cool, if you don't mind being in tight spaces," she goes on,picking at the wax on her forefinger with her thumb. "OK," she agrees with a smile, turning about and hopping to sit on the counter, gathering Bonnie in up against her.

Bonnie purrs and wraps her arms around the girl's waist as she comes in closer. "Keep this up and we'll melt all this ice cream." She smiles, looking up. "You ok?" She looks up at the girls face, into her eyes. She brushes the hair out from Tabitha's face. "I want to keep you around." She winks, flirtatiously.

Tabitha hugs Bonnie around with her long dancer's legs, her plethora of choppy black skirt parting for her raggedy black and white striped sluagh stockings. She arcs her back as far as her corsetry will let her, stealing up a tub of ice cream and a scooper and setting it between them. "What, like... your little pet?" she grins, then, more seriously, "Or, like... your girlfriend?"

Bonnie smiles and backs up, giving room for the ice cream. "As cute as a pet you would make, I'm not big into the domination. Again.... That's my mom." She smiles, looking up. "That only leaves one other option...." She grabs a spoon and digs into the ice cream, taking a bite.

Tabitha just uses the scooper. Any roof in a storm, right? She carves out a scoopful and takes to licking it like an ice cream cone. "So... like, girlfriend, girlfriends? Who go on dates and stuff? But also meditate together and dress up and play games and do rituals?"

Bonnie nods, a little speechless. "Y...Yeah." She says, herself nervous now. "I mean... we can come out, if you want.. or keep it quiet." She looks up, eyes filled with water. "I don't want this to be hard on you. Just because it's me doesn't mean..." She shrugs, obviously she's had this own discussion with herself recently. "It.. It's up to you if this is what you want. We can be still be friends, if not."

Tabitha starts to look somewhat anxious-- she hadn't been, before, but she's catching it from Bonnie, her brows furrowing. "You're crying again," she points out. "Can we be friends AND girlfriends?" she shifts a little in place on the countertop. "I mean, like... friends... who sometimes might date, or fool around or stuff... too? Maybe that would be less... stressful?"

Bonnie smiles. "I'm.. I'm nervous. I.." She nods at Tabitha's suggestion. "So just keep it cool and easy. Yeah.. We don't need to define..." She has a hard time finishing sentences. She squeezes her arms around Tabitha's sides. "Keep it quiet at school, but.. here..." She giggles and waggles her eyebrows creepily.

Tabitha returns the smile, if sort of uncertainly. "What're you nervous about?" she wonders, licking at her scooper full of ice cream. "I can keep it secret, no problem, if you're worried about what people might say."

Bonnie shakes her head. "No... no... I'm not afraid of people knowing about you.. About us. That's the last thing I'm afraid of." She wipes her cheeks. "I don't want you to have added stress. You're dealing with enough. I don't care about what my mom says... You're mom.." She shrugs, not really knowing how she'd take it." She sighs, face pale as a sheet and not totally due to the makeup. "I'm more afraid of you saying no."

Agh. Pressure. To be the cause of such anxiety is not a day-in-the-life deal for our Tabs. "Well, well, well look," she tries to start up again, "You don't have to be afraid of me, OK? You're such an awesome person, it's like... it's a miracle you even noticed me," she smiles meekly. "But I think this whole girlfriends thing is going to give us both panic attacks, so why don't we just be, like, kissing friends, for now, and then we can figure out the rest. Latertimes."

Bonnie isn't looking to add pressure, but she doesn't want the girl to not know how she feels. Her own personal search for love has been shattered by men so many times that she's now found someone who can possibly save her. "You're more awesome then you realize." She smiles. "You just may be my miracle." She nods and holds the girl close, despite the ice cream. "It's fine. We don't need to define anything. Just know that I'm here for you. And I care." and she leaves it at that before getting carried away.

Tabitha is supposed to be a miracle. No pressure! She licks the scooper clean, and sets both the scooper and lid aside, her lithe arms snaking around Bonnie and pulling her close to her, hugging her with both arms and legs, like some sort of koala bear, and rests her head on Bonnie's shoulder, face tugged in against her neck. "Thank you," she whispers, lips brushing against neck.

Bonnie purrs quietly at the embrace, the touch on her neck causing goosebumps in waves across her body. "Don't mention it." She says, trying to be coy. "But be careful. Keep this up and I'll have to carry you to my bedroom." She says with a giggle and a wink. "You're too much."

Tabitha laughs, leaning back, "You think you could pick me up?" she wonders, grinning goofily as if that might be a fun experiment to try. She replants her arms up over Bonnie's shoulders.

Bonnie smiles.. "Well, you *are* really light.. Plus you're fae, remember?" She holds her breath and squeezes the girl tight. She can lift her off of the counter but would not be able to make it to the bedroom. "Ah well. Wishful thinking." She giggles and sighs, leaning into the girl.

Tabitha makes a little squeeing noise when she's lifted up, but when Bonnie starts feeling weary under her weight she swings her legs down and situates herself on the floor, keeping one hand on her shoulder, but sliding the other down to the small of her back, holding her in a manner reminiscent of her Steampunk Gent alter ego, channeling just a little bit of him as she looks into her eyes.

Bonnie smiles and blushes, feeling giddy. Whether it's from the extra energy or being around Tabitha, she can't tell. "Shall we dance, Beloved? We must take care of our wings. Too carefree and we'll take flight!" She laughs as she sways with the girl, no music on at all.

Tabitha straightens to her full height. It's hard to remember that she's actually pretty tall, the way she skulks around all the time, slouched over and shrinking. She even raises gracefully to the balls of her feet, cradling Bonnie against her and moving tenderly with her, bowing her head and gently angling Bonnie's chin upward with a brush of her nose.

Bonnie smiles and looks up. She let's the girl take the lead, glad to see the confidence in her that Bonnie always wanted her to have. "Yes, dear? Want something?" She asks coyly as she continues to move with the girl.

Tabitha traces a line with the tip of her nose down the side of Bonnie's neck, the occasional drift of warm air from her nostrils adding the the strangeness of the sensation. Then, tentatively, but with more curiosity than fright, she gives a little kiss to the flesh thus exposed.

Bonnie coos softly at the sensation. "Careful, girl... You're treading on thin ice.." She warns. She continues to dance but she slinks ever closer to her bedroom door. She returns the notion, planting soft kisses on Tabitha's neck.

Tabitha doesn't coo-- she sort of squawks, though, her head whipping to the side as she reverts from her Gent persona, "Agh! That tickles!" she laughs, seeming delighted by it, at any rate, even as she rubs at the spot.

Bonnie giggles and stops moving, just looking at the girl. You're lucky I don't bite, then." She winks. "At any rate, we should get out of these costumes and wash up. We've got school in the morning."