Log:Happy birthday amelia

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Amelia finally reaches Noah and they make plans then go off for her birthday.
Surfside Apartments
Because she has to use two buses it takes Amelia the better part of an hour to reach Noah's. By that time it's about one in the afternoon and she's starving and a bit tired. She leans on the doorbell and waits, while she waits she sends Noah a text message to let her know she's outside. An hour ago she sent him one saying she'd managed to get away after all, because she had been really angry her stepdad tried to ruin her birthday plans with forced stepdad stepdaughter bonding.

An hour! That's love and dedication! Opening the door, Noah allows Amelia in, his attention shifting from the clock on the wall to her. "That must have been the bus ride from hell." He teases leaning to press the door closed behind her. "Dad had to work after all, so Debbie gave me her car." He chuckles, "Sorry I didn't find out sooner." The whole bus ride could have been avoided.

Her shoulders slump as he tells her that. "Buses smell and people are gross," sums up Amelia's view on the public transport available in Lantern Hill." She leans into Noah and breathes deeply as he always smells good and after that bus she needs to get the smell out of her nostrils.

Noah chuckles, allowing her to lean into him, and even going so far as to wrap his arms around her. He may be distant, but he's also a fan of hugs. Who's not?! His face lowers to press into her hair, a deep breath taken as he enjoys the scent of her shampoo. "Happy Birthday." He even grins against her, pleased that he *gasp* remembered! "Ya wanna hang out here a while or you wanna go eat?" Despite her words, he's programmed to allow for choices.

"I wanna eat but I wanna stay and I wanna nap and I want to never ride a bus again." Amelia nuzzles the side of his neck and places a little kiss there before lifting her head. "Thanks for remembering." Clearly it means a lot from the way she is looking at him like he's the best thing since sliced bread.

Noah chuckles. "Well...it's pretty out. You wanna order and take it to the beach, or the cliffs? We can nap and I can make sure you don't have to ride the bus home." He grins, perhaps amused at his lack of ability to actually solve any of her problems right away. "You're call of course. You can I can always sleep. Or eat." The small kiss to his neck earns her a small shiver from him, it also prompts him to reach and brush a hand through her hair. "I'm good with whatever."

Amelia turns over the ideas in her head and says, "Let's go to the cliffs. I like the view better. Does Debbie still have those heavy blankets in her car?" She slips her arms around Noah's middle and smiles before kissing his neck again. Only this time she ups the ante and slides her hands down to briefly cop a feel of his backside.

Noah nods, perhaps completely oblivious to why they would need blankets. If he does understand why, he doesn't give any hints toward it. Instead, he smiles and even chuckles at the second kiss and her roaming hands. "Cool. I assume you want Chinese?" She also gets a kiss. A delayed but affectionate non-the-less kiss pressed to her lips seconds later.

"Chinese," agrees Amelia as she lets her arms drop so he can actually move. "Just let me have a wee first. There was nowhere on the way here to go." She shrugs off her handbag and sets it on the floor then makes her way into the bathroom and closes the door.

Noah chuckles, allowing her to move free as he moves to seek out his phone, and dial up the wok. His part of the order is anything but simple, an as he hangs up, he allows a doubtful look toward the phone, fully expecting that upon pickup, the order will be completely wrong. Then again, it IS fast food. He also finds a spot to slump as he waits for her.

The sound of the running water filling the toilet bowl can be heard as Amelia comes out of the bathroom. She even washed her hands because she's a classy sorta girl. "All set," she says, leaning over the back of the couch to drop a kiss on the top of Noah's head.

The kiss atop his head is met with a laugh, "Ordered." He tilts his face upward, watching her for a moment. "So. I got you a gift, but I have an alternative option." This much gets a true grin from him as he holds up a small box. "You can have what's in the box, or you can have a puppy.." he pauses, "..And what's in the box..because really I didn't think this through at all." He even looks confused at his choices. "Assuming you want a puppy. I've wanted a puppy lately but I'm not allowed one." Clearly there's a story behind that judging by his grumble.

"A puppy?" Amelia thinks about it for all of thirty seconds. "I choose the puppy and the box, duh. I've always wanted a puppy but my mum hated animals being in the house. When I was little I found a baby hedgehog in the drive. It was scared an shivering. I wanted to keep it as a pet but she made me keep it in the garage where it was cold. Poor little mite didn't make it." She picks up her bag and pulls it on. "You can help me name it." A glance goes to the box and she can't help but grin, "Is it a gift card?"

Noah laughs nodding. "Hedgehogs are awesome." He decides suddenly. "Doesn't have to be a puppy. Could be whatever. Just not a bird unless you want to walk home with that bitch." Noah don't like birds! Very few surfers do. "And no..it's not a gift card, though I can get you a gift card if you really want one." He laughs still, reaching to pull her over the sofa by the arm. Of course, he does take care to keep her from toppling to hard. "Heather said I needed to get you a second gift because, and I quote, my gifts to quirky for normal girls."

She lets out a little squeal of surprise and ends up half sprawled over him, nearly crushing the box. Amelia lifts up her hips so he can get his other hand out from under her and the box too. "Birds are creepy. All that head movement." She pushes her hair out of her face and smiles up at Noah, teasing, "If you wanted to make out on the sofa all you ha to do was ask."