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The island that characters find themselves closest to is one of a small island chain that encases the ship. It's difficult to imagine the ship managing to become stranded there, but somehow just that seems to have happened. The islands are scattered over 1,500,000 square km of the ocean. If counted, the islands of the chain would number to 12, however, only about 3 seem large enough to hold life, the others being little more than strips of sand that remain above the high tide mark.
Of the three standing and largest islands, all have one thing in common. They appear volcanic, remnants of a sunken continent which accounts for the mineral deposits on the land masses. The islands are surrounded by an atoll-like barrier reef, with tiny islets defining the lagoon around which the islands are arranged. A few are raised atolls with high, cave-studded outer coral rings, carved by the wind and the water into twisting stone labyrinths that plunge in and out of the sea. The two biggest islands are formed by now-dormant volcanoes, with luxuriant rain forest shrouding rugged terrain wreathed by white sand beaches.

The island on which the characters are, appears to be the largest of the three visible islands. It also seems to be the least heavily forested and holds the most open span of beach. The second largest island rests straight across from the main, though it appears to be a good several miles across deep ocean and reef to reach. The third is much closer, no more than 3 miles across water, though on the west end of the island the shallow appearance of a sand reef seems to bridge the two with no more than 25 yards between the two. One does however have to brave the knee deep waters and the dark depths that dwell on either side of the bridge. There must be a reason that wildlife and ocean life seem to avoid the area.