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Name: Royce Bode Harding

Hometown: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Birthday: April 22
Age: 16
Status: Single

Nickname: Bodie
Affiliations: North Shore High
Grade: Junior

RP Hooks & Facts
  • Foreigner: Born in Sierra Leone, he's a white kid who grew up in a rough place, but still seems to be a basically good student and future citizen. His parents share a tiny apartment with him and their live-in forever-friend, a kind-of-weird guy with a shaved head and weird scars on his neck. His lunch smells incredible, every single day, though.
  • Basketball: He plays it and plays it to win. Once in a while, there's a foul called but he toes the line and plays fairly.
  • Commando Swimming: Once in a while, he'll find a pool in an unattended house or apartment complex, then take a midnight swim when nobody's around. Why he does or to what end, that's still a mystery, much like ...
  • Perpetually Overdressed: From wrist to ankle, he's always wearing something to cover his body up. He's athletic but it can be hard to tell with some of his fashion choices, preferring long sleeves to anything else and even in shorts, he wears thin long johns to cover himself up. He does not use the shower at school unless he can guarantee himself some privacy, which is why his last class in Phys. Ed.
  • Quirks
  • Vehicle Owner: 2005 Jeep Wrangler
  • Part-Time Job: clerk at a copy shop downtown
  • Resources 2: no allowance, just his paychecks and savings account.

  • You'll Find Him/Her At...
  • Go Mart: Every other day, he's back in there to load up on bottled water and whatever it takes to repair his Jeep again. He really needs a new car but minimum wage plus gas equals a long, long time before that can happen on its own.
  • Class Schedule
    Period 1: Algebra II

    Period 2: American Literature
    Period 3: Elective 1: Journalism
    Period 4: Foreign Languages: French
    Period 5: Chemistry I
    Period 6: Elective 2: Astronomy
    Period 7: American History II
    Period 8: Health & Physical Education

    A Glimpse Within
    A Stoic, through and through, he's seen the beauty and cruelty of nature and humanity in another country, which is feeling more and more like another world to him. Fast with a meaningful look but short on words with new faces, he's a very talkative boy with his friends. He misses his old life but has started to settle into life as an American, aware that it is nothing like the media presented and that there are great, terrible, funny and boring people everywhere he's ever been.
  • Public

    A transfer student from Sierra Leone, he's very much an athletic if quiet one. Only a few friends outside of the library and video store, he's always wearing a hoodie, even in the heat, and is never seen without his battered knapsack and has been seen driving a similarly-battered Jeep with a barely-repaired muffler. He takes a jog every day after school and works at a local copy shop as a clerk, forever writing in his journal or sketching on receipt paper to pass the time. Lives with both of his parents, who work as translators for foreign business administrators working with African countries. He's traveled far to arrive in California but seems to like it just fine.

  • School
    Runs like a cheetah and is a terror on the basketball court. Called out periodically for fouls, he's a first-round pick for pickup games or finishing off practices. Won't try out for track and field and eschews the weight training for working out while jogging after school. He's taken an interest in both journalism and astronomy, but has stunned his French class with his remarkable fluency with it. Not doing so great in English, but he's doing just fine in Science.
  • Street
    The block he lives on doesn't have a drug dealer on it anymore. Someone kept throwing tennis balls and half-bricks through their windows late at night until they took the hint and left the area. Every stop sign near his home has a two letter addition to the base of the red octagon: It. To this, there's a DARE sticker added.
  • Allies and Contacts

    Different isn't broken.


    His homeland by birth.
    Royce's Jeep.jpg
    His ride by choice.

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